Twenty-Five:I love you

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We climb out of the car and I am greeted with a park.

A park?

"Dylan, what--" I cut myself off as realisation hits me. I glance to my left and there it is, the slide I was too clumsy to actually slide down, instead I fell down it.

Dylan helped me up and we started talking more after that. Then the crayon thing happened and we became inseparable.

When my dad passed away, i'd sit on this park remembering him always bringing me here after work.

5 years earlier

I sit on the rusty swing my father used to push me on. I feel one single tear fall down my cheek as I glance around at the abandoned park.

The only slide to the left has some graffiti on it and so did the monkey bars but other than that it was exactly how I remembered it.

The swings were the same as when my dad used to push me on them, while I told him to make it go higher.

The roundabout was the same bright green as it was when he used to push me so fast that I couldn't walk. Just a slight bit of rust made it look different.

I close my eyes, trying to keep the memories of my father. My mom only came with us once, a little before he died.

I remember asking her if we could go, a little after he had died. My mom had stopped speaking to me at all. I just wanted to act like everything was ok- normal.

I wanted to re-live the memories; I felt as if I was losing him little by little every day.

"I bet he's thinking about you too." A male voice says from behind me and I immediately recognise it.

I don't bother turning around, he doesn't need to see my tears again.

"Up in heaven. I bet he doesn't like seeing you cry." He finishes.

I still don't reply but know he hasn't gone when I hear movement and feel someone sit beside me.

"I know I don't." He adds sadly.

"We don't all get what we want." I croak.

"What about need? I need to see your smile again."

"And I need to see my father again but I never will, he's gone. So I'm sorry that you can't see me smile anymore but it's a bit hard to.." my voice breaks at the end as the tears finally fall.

Arms wrap around me as I am pulled into a chest.

"You don't deserve this." He whispers.

"What am I gonna do Dylan?" I whisper.

"I will always be here Mara."

But he wasn't.

Fast forward to now

I don't realise I'm crying until I'm pulled into someone's arms.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought you here." He says softly. "Come on let's go home."


He looks at me, confused.

"Thank you Dylan." I say, meeting his eyes. "Thank you for being there for me when no one else was. Thank you for always making me smile when I thought it would never reach my eyes again. Thank you for not letting me lose myself. I don't thank you enough. You're my rock, Dylan, and I don't know what I'd do if I'd never had cried over that crayon 9 years ago. Because I probably wouldn't have you. And I need you so much. Thank you for saving me."

"Mara--" he starts but I cut him off by pressing my lips to his. The kiss is filled with so much love, as I show him exactly how I feel about him.

I finally pull way, leaning my forehead against his as I whisper three words that have never been so true.

"I love you."


This is possibly my favourite chapter. Only because she finally says the 3 words.

Sorry it's late but it was worth the wait because you love me so much right? 😏


-Zoe 🐺

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