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**Mature content**


"Mara...wake up, its Christmas!" A voice whispers and I shoot out of bed.

Dylan, appearing to be amused at this, throws his head back and laughs.

"Hey, you're a liar! It's not Christmas!"
I say, hitting him with a pillow.

"It might as well be, you were asleep for about twelve hours." He says, not bothered by the hit with the pillow.

"Shut up I was tired." I say defensively and turn away, going towards the bathroom. 

When I am in there, I lock the door and turn the shower on. The water gets hot and I step in, shivering under the warmth.

I let the water cascade over my skin, thinking about anything really.

After I'm clean, I get out of the shower and wrap my towel around me.

"Shit" I mutter to myself when I realise I didn't bring my clothes in with me.

Wrapping my towel around me even tighter, I twist the doorknob and go back into our room.

Thankfully, no one is in there.

I go over to my suitcase where there are some clothes that I hadn't unpacked yet and picked them up.

I'm about to go back to the bathroom when I hear someone clearing their throat from behind me.

Gulping, I slowly turn around to meet Dylan's eyes.

"What a nice surprise." He says with a smirk.

"Look away Dylan." I say with annoyance.

"Hey, don't get annoyed with me. You're the one who came out with only a towel on." He says, still smirking.

"Try knocking next time." I retort.

"On my own door?" He says and I huff. "Got nothing to say?"

"Fuck off Dylan." I say and go into the bathroom to change.

I hear him laughing from behind me which annoys me further.

As you can tell I'm not used to being proved wrong and losing at arguments.

"Bastard" I mumble when I get into the bathroom.

"What's was that." Dylan murmurs from behind me, snaking his arms around my waist.


I'm cut off by a wave of pleasure as he gently pecks my neck with his lips.

"Dylan..." I murmur as he trails kisses down my neck. My hands tighten on my towel as I let out a small moan.
Dylan's hands travel up my body to the top of the towel, forcing me to loosen my grip.

Slowly, he pulls the towel lower, still leaving love bites all over my neck.

His hands slowly caresses my now bare chest as his lips travel all over my skin, leaving goosebumps.

I let out another moan, a little louder this time when his hand moves to my inner thigh.

He groans at my reaction and trails his fingers further up.

As his fingers reach exactly where I want them to be, he stops.

"Now you're gonna have to do more than that to get what you want." He says, smiling against my skin.

"And..what would that be?" I say, still quivering.

"Go on a date with me." He says, with a genuine smile.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"What is there not to understand? Go on a date with me."


"It's a surprise." He says with a wink and begins to walk out of the bathroom.

"I hate surprises." I say as he is walking out.

"I know!" He shouts back as the door closes.

Well I guess I'm going on a date.



Believe it or not I didn't want to wire certain parts of this chapter (you can guess) but I had to add in a little bit of cliche high school guy shit in there so I looked good ✌️.

I'm not going to be writing anything else like that so if you're looking for smut 👋

Till next time.


-Zoe 🐢💜

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