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"As if man, she's hot as hell."

"Oh come on, all she does through that movie is scream." James says, rolling his eyes and shaking his head.

"But it doesn't mean she's not hot, i wouldn't hesitate to bang her." Alex hollers.

I shake my head at the two, chuckling.

"Dylan!" I hear someone shout and I turn my head as it seems panicked.

I turn to see Stella running up to me.

"Hey isn't that one of Mara's friends?" Chris asks and my heart drops.

Something's happened. Something's happened.

I think to myself as she nears, running as of her life depends on it.

"What is it?" I ask, worry lacing my tone.

"It's Mara, she's...she's."

"She's what?" I almost scream.

"She's in hospital."

And like that I'm out of the school.


I'm at the hospital before I can even think of the possibilities she is there.

Did she fall?

Will she have to stay in hospital?

Will they have to operate on her?

Questions flood my brain until I get to the front desk.

"Hi, I'm looking for-"

"Dylan..." a female voice trails off and I turn to see Ella, Mara's mom looking at me with bloodshot eyes. She had been crying.

Panic surges through me and my stomach drops at the thought of the worst case scenario.

"Ella..." I say, walking towards her quickly. She pulls me into a hug and I gladly welcome it, trying to comfort her as well as myself.


"Lets sit down." I say, trying to stay calm even though all I want to do is know if she's okay.

"What happened?" I ask when we are sitting.

"She had very low blood pressure. Her sugar levels had dropped and her pulse was very low. She...she-" she cuts herself off with a cry.

My heart plummets to my feet as I finish the sentence in my head.

"They don't know if she'll wake up. And if she does they don't know if she'll last long. What if I lose her? What if I lose my daughter?" She cries and breaks down.

"Mara is strong. She'll get through this. We'll get through this." I say but I feel more like I'm trying to convince myself.

"Ms..." a deep voice says and I lift my head up to it as does Ella.

"Yes." She croaks.

"Your daughter is awake, she wants to see you." He says and we both stand up.

"Only family members." The doctor says, putting a hand on my chest to stop me.

"He can see her." Ella says and motions me to follow her; I do.



"Daddy, daddy!" I shout as I climb the huge steps to the slide.

"Well done." He says, grinning wide.

Proud of myself, I decide that I'm going to go down the big big slide.

I stand at the edge smiling, ready to be a big girl in front of all the people.

All the kids will like me if I do this.

I ready myself and take a deep breath. It is very scary up here.

As I am about to sit down, I slip on some melted snow.

I go crashing down the slide and land on the floor in a heap of very very cold snow.

As all the kids around me laugh, I feel tears brim my eyes.

My clothes are cold and wet and everyone saw what happened.

Just as I am about to burst out crying, a very pretty boy walks up to me.

"Come on." The pretty boy says, holding his hand out for me to grab.

I am hesitant at first but then decide to take it.

"Don't worry about these kids." He whispers. "They are all just too scared to go up the slide. I think you were really brave to do that." He smiles and I feel all tingly in my tummy.

"Thank you." I say, kissing his cheek in appreciation.

"No problem. Anyway, did you enjoy your trip?"

"What?" I ask, confused but then I realise. I giggle at his joke and he runs off to go play with his friends.

I think I'll be talking to this pretty boy a lot more.


Cutee :)))

Next chapter tomorrow!

-Zoe 🐢💜

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