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Excitement bubbles in my stomach as we start driving in Dylan's car.

"So where are we going?" I ask excitedly, breaking the silence.

"That's a surprise." He smirks and I groan.

"I hate surprises." I mumble but he hears.

"Okay fine, we'll go home." He says and I look at him in shock.

"Why?" I whine.

He chuckles at this. "You said you don't like surprises so do you want me to take you home?"


"Well then, stop whining and wait until we get there." He says, turning back to the road as I try to burn holes in the side of his head with my glare.

After a long, boring car drive, we finally arrive at...I don't know really seeing as I'M BLINDFOLDED!

"We're almost there." Dylan had said but he suddenly stopped the car.

I asked what he was doing; the next minute I had a blindfold over my eyes!

This has got to be kidnapping.

"Okay, can I take this off now?" I ask impatiently as he tries to lead me wherever.

" you can." He says after a few moments.

I excitedly lift it from my eyes and am confused when all I see is a park.

A small park but as I look around, however, I behind to realise why he brought me here.

This is where we first met.





So I was casually going through wattpad then I go onto my account to look at the comments on my stories. I see an extra bit of text below the title and see that I'VE BEEN RANKED #819 IN SHORT STORY!

To some people this might not mean much but honestly I'm so passionate about writing that it made me so happy.

Thank you to all my lovely readers for getting me this far so far.

Every DM and comment I get makes me smile.

I could never be more grateful.

Sorry for the short chapter but I needed to celebrate.

Till next time my lovelies.


-Zoe 🐺

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