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Five years later


Love is strange.

No matter how much you love, it will always hurt you.

Five years ago, I fell for love.

I fell for love and it broke me.

Thirteen years ago, there was a girl named Amara Goodwin.

She was a beautiful girl, but she was mocked.

She was mocked because she fell from a slide.

Dylan Hunt saw when she fell, and he fell for her.

He fell for the pretty girl who cried at a crayon.

He fell for the pretty girl who went through tragedies which should have broken her, but she still helped an injured bee, with a broken wing.

He fell for a girl and he loved her.

Then he lost her.

Five years ago, Dylan Hunt was broken by the love of his life.

Five years ago, Dylan Hunt had everything taken away from him.

The rest of the world didn't notice.

No one would know about her death, everyone dies.

But Dylan Hunt would notice.

The world wouldn't, but his world was gone.

Amara Goodwin was dead.

You might hate me for ending a story in this way.

The world is harsh and cruel. The best of people get the worse in life.

But the strongest of people get through it. It shows you have a strong heart, a soul.

A strong person storms through dark times.

A strong person shows that no one will control them- that they will push themselves to the limit and further to be the best they can be.

Amara Goodwin may not be here, but her soul lives on. And it will forever live on as people keep it alive.

And I swore to Amara Goodwin that day, that I would keep her soul with me forever.

And I will keep that promise.

And never will I forget the amazing girl who gave me purpose, who made me whole.

So let her memory live on. Amara Goodwin, daughter, lover, queen.



It's over.

Thank you for all the support I got through this story!

You all mean so much to me and inspire me to keep writing.

As I posted, no matter what you are never alone.

I love you all so so much.

Stick around and follow for a special surprise I have for you ;)

I don't know how long it'll take, I am taking a break so maybe the surprise will come in around September?

But yeah my break starts Monday and doesn't end till September so I won't be active on my stories or activity.

If you need to DM me for support then they are always open no matter what.

Thank you all.

I will be doing a chapter for the personal thanks in a whole different chapter. So stick around to see if you're mentioned.

If you read all the way down here you're honestly a star. Love you all so much ❤️❤️


-Zoe 🐢💜

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