Twenty-Two:Stay out of trouble

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Well what a nice way to see my uncle after so many years right?

"Mara? What are you doing here?"


"Let me guess, you're the two kids who broke into the school?"

"Uhh, yeah..." I trail off, looking to the floor.

"Always you two wasn't it, even when you were younger, it's nice to see you both again." He says sweetly.

"It's nice to see you too." I smile and hug him as tight as possible, I know I'll have to tell him, but that can wait.

"Mara? You okay?" He asks.

I force a smile. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

He raises an eyebrow, "Nothing." He says, shaking his head.

I smile again and he turns to Dylan.

"S'good to see you again, son." He says and gives him a man-hug thing. I stand awkwardly as they greet each other. After they are finished, my uncle pulls a serious face.

"Now, I'll let you off with a warning, as I'm sure you both were not trying to cause harm." He says, giving us a stern look. "But don't make me have to speak to you about this again." He says, his voice stern.

"Got it, nice to see you again Uncle Maverick."

"Yeah, I just moved from LA, they wanted me here because they were overrun with cops there, thought here could do with a little help." He explains and finally dismisses us.

"Right, both of you get home." He says and waves us goodbye.

We start to walk out of the doors when he shouts back after us.

"Oh and you two." He starts, causing us to turn around.

"Stay out of trouble." He says and I giggle as Dylan chuckles.

"We promise, Uncle M." Dylan says and we walk out, arm in arm as I rest my head on his shoulder.

"So, next on the bucket list." Dylan sways and I grin.


Just a filler :)

Hope you enjoyed!


-Zoe 🐺

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