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I'm awake long before I find the courage to open my eyes. I know that the second I do, I'll see something horrible. Maybe the monsters are standing over me, ready to cut me open and eat me. Maybe I'm already inside of them, I don't know...

I finally open them, blinking repeatedly as crusted blood clings to my eyelashes. My body feels stiff. Above me sits a dim, white light. I grunt as I try to sit up, I'm laying on the ground. I barely prop myself on my elbow before the pain hits me. My body feels like it's on fire. "Ow! Ow ow ow..." I shift back to laying down.

"Hurts, doesn't it?"

I turn my head quickly, but I can't see where the voice is coming from. It sounds like a boy.

"That's what you get for going in there. You didn't even get it, you just almost died and I had to rescue your ass." He sounds annoyed, and as he walks into my vision he definitely looks annoyed. His arms are crossed, and his head is tilted. His face is contorted in a fierce glare. He wears a loose orange sweater and washed out jeans. "So? What are you gonna do about it?"

I open my mouth, then close it again. What does that even mean? "I'm sorry, I don't..."

"You're sorry, huh?"

"I don't know who you are."

"You think I care?" He says, leaning forward. The strings on his sweater dangle above my head. "Don't do it again, for christ's sake! Why the hell do I have to babysit you? You're miserable!"

I try to sit up again, but my elbow slips and my head bangs into the floor. I shout out in pain.

The boy sighs, then moves to help me. He grabs my arm and puts one hand on my back as he helps me sit up. He leans me against the wall. "Look, the drug'll wear off in a couple hours. You're going to start remembering things by then. Stay here, no matter what you see, alright?"

I nod.

"I'm gonna go get us something to eat. Just... shut up and sit there."

My eyes light up at the thought of food. I don't know the last time I'd eaten, but it must've been a long time, my stomach was killing me.

He leaves through a door, then turns quickly and glares at me. "And don't listen to that evil little nightmare of a woman that loves to shout in your ear. She's just using you."

And with that, he was gone. I reach up to my ear and try to feel the black round speaker. My eyes widen as I realize it's gone. I have to find it... I set my arm on the floor to try and pull myself off the ground, but stop as I look at my hand. I look down at the rest of my body and see a maze of wrapped bandages and large bandaids, covering every inch of me. My fingertips aren't even showing. I breathe slowly. How am I even alive? Did that boy do this?

The room I'm in has nothing in it. It's just a normal square room, with white walls and white floors. The ceiling looks like it's made of metal. I try to stand, but realize it's impossible as pain shoots through my feet. I flash back to glass shards pushing into my toes and decide that I probably won't be able to stand for a while. On the floor next to my knee I see a small black speaker. I pick it up and push it into my ear, wincing at the movement. "Hello?"


"Yeah... it's me."

"Where are you? What happened?"

"I don't know, some boy found me and..."

"Don't trust him!"

"What? Why?" I wait as I hear some shuffling in the background. Suddenly a new voice is coming through the speaker. It's gruffer, it sounds like a man.

"Listen Kanna, he's dangerous. He's not on your side. You can't stay with him, you have to get out of there."


"Get out of there, now!"

I think back. Don't listen to that evil little nightmare of a woman... "He said not to trust you."

There's silence on the other side for a moment. "Hello?"

"He's trying to mess with you. We helped you, remember? You need to get away from him."

"But he helped me, he..."

"Just get out!"

I pull the speaker out of my ear and close my eyes, leaning my head against the wall. What the hell?

Author's Note:

I have over 50 views on this story now!!! Thank you so, so much, that makes me so excited and happy! I can't wait to see where this goes!

Who do you think Kanna should trust? What do you think will happen next?

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