Mr. Smiley

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I wake up with a scream on my lips. I'm sweating again, my breathing is heavy. My hands are shaking uncontrollably.



Sounds keep replaying in my head. Sounds and voices.

Take it, bitch.

You're dead.

This'll be fun... for me.

I grab the sides of my head, rocking back in forth. "Stop... stop... " I whimper.


Those creatures killed you.

Shhhh, little pet, we're just getting started...



"Kanna? Kanna, calm down!"

I'm seeing two things. One is Lu, shaking me by the shoulders, and the other is Rick, standing over me in the bathtub.

You know, now you're a little too damaged for my taste. I might just let you drown in that bath water.


"Kanna! Snap out of it! It's not real, look at me! Look at me!"

I look up to see deep, green eyes staring back at me.

"It's okay. You're safe, you're okay." Lu pulls me into his arms. "You're safe..."

I start crying.

A flood pours down my face, drenching Lu's shirt. Sounds keep ricocheting around my head, but I just stay clinging to Lu, never letting go.

"You're safe. It's gonna be okay."

⧫            ⧫           ⧫

The next morning (or at least, what I think is morning) goes slow. Lu makes me stay in the square room with Toby while he and Mr. Smiley get the water and food.

I don't argue with him.

I try to talk to Toby, but he doesn't seem that interested. Maybe I shouldn't push him... I doubt his past holds what mine did, but remembering everything sucks.

Especially because you know you might never be able to go back home.


I wince as a flash of pain passes through my memory. It feels real, even though I know it isn't.


I bury my head in my knees.


"Why do you scream in your sleep?"

I look up to see Toby staring at me. His eyes are soft and pitiful but also filled with curiosity.

"The life I had before I ended up here wasn't... it wasn't a good life." I cross my arms over my legs and rest my chin on them. "Are you remembering anything yet?"


"What is it?"

Toby's quiet for a moment. "I didn't have a good life either."

I nod. "I'm sorry."

"Me too."



We each look up to see Lu enter the room.

He gives me a small smile, then turns to Toby. "Look, man... I'm sorry. What I did yesterday was uncalled for. I think I was just scared. I don't want anyone else to die, and the more people there are here, the more likely it is that one of us won't make it. So, I'm sorry for overreacting." Every time he says the word "sorry," I watch him wince, just a little.

I giggle. It's physically hurting him to apologize... what a dorky little egomaniac.

Toby nods. "Okay. Thank you."

Lu tosses him some corn. I laugh at the look of confusion on Toby's face. He looks at it for a second, then takes a slow bite.


My smile disappears. I stand up and head for the door. "I'm... I'll be back."



I sigh and lean against the door. I've gotta calm down...

"Hello, Kanna."

I look up to see Mr. Smiley. A shiver runs down my spine as I see his rotten teeth. "Hi."

"Follow." Mr. Smiley starts walking down the hall. I frown, but follow him.

"Where are we going?"

"Here." He stops at the Corn zone and opens the door. "Go."

I stare at him for a second. "Why?"

"Lu says."

"But... why wouldn't he just tell me..."

"Go." His voice goes rough, and he leans over me, dripping skin into my hair. "Now."

I step inside. My hands are shaking, my eyes feel watery. "O...Okay."


I watch as the door shuts, and then dissolves.

And suddenly, I'm in the middle of a corn maze. All alone.


Author's Note:

Thanks for reading!

Why do you think Mr. Smiley trapped Kanna in the corn zone? What do you think is going to happen next? Please comment your thoughts!

And please vote! Love you guys ;)

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