I was born a shadow

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You're sitting at your small dining room table, tapping your fingers boredly on its wood.
A plate of hearty spaghetti waits on the empty place across from you. Glancing at your watch it reads 11:23pm. You sigh. Dad should have been home twenty minutes ago. That's when you hear it, the soft creaking of the front door being opened.
Eagerly, you stand up out of your seat and enter the hallway where your father is kneeling and untying his fancy shoes.

"You're late." You yawn, crossing your arms.

"Couldn't you just say welcome home?" Your father sets his breifcase down on the floor before kicking his shoes off.

"I made dinner."

"I can smell it." He smiles wearily. "Is it Spaghetti?"


You follow him into the living room where he takes off his suit jacket and collapses into the couch.

"Aren't you going to eat?"

He loosens his tie and begins to undo the first few buttons on his long sleeved shirt. "Can you bring it here? I had a long day."

You sigh.

"Please?" He adds.

You nod, entering the kitchen and returning with the plate. He sits up as you hand him his food, which he gladly eats. "Thank you."

"No problem."

Your eyes feel heavy and you start to sway slightly where you're standing.

"You should go to bed y/n, you have school tomorrow."

You stay where you are, watching him eat. The only time you see your father is after he comes home from work. You wish you had more time to spend with him.

"y/n? You okay?"

"Yeah. How about you?"

"Work's been pretty tough lately. There are so many new cases to solve. Knowing so many murderers and robbers are out and about keeps me up at night."

"Are you scared?"

He sighs heavily. "No, just stressed. I wish there was more good in the world. I don't see enough good people anymore."

"Well, you are a detective. Of course you're going to see more bad than good."

He laughs softly. "You're right."

Dad stares into your eyes for a moment, as if searching for something. "You remind me of your mother."

"That makes sense." You yawn again.

"You should go to bed y/n." He opens his mouth in a wide yawn. "...We both should."

He slowly stands up and you sleepily saunter over to your room.  You don't bother changing into your pajamas, just burying yourself under the thick blanket on your bed. Before you close your eyes your dad appears standing in the doorway.

"I love you, y/n."

"I love you too, dad."

Roman Torchwick x Reader: When The Sky Turns DarkWhere stories live. Discover now