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Your heart beat hammers in your head. How is he always able to sneak up on you like that? Could your semblance not have been working the entire time?

You shake your head, remembering that you checked in the window.

The drumming in your head grows quieter as your pulse slows. A sigh of releaf escapes you. You should get back to your team as soon as possible. Hopefully they're still sleeping snugly in their beds.


Down the hall, slow footsteps creak closer. Gasping, you feel your blood run cold. The footsteps stop for a moment before continuing again. You hold your breath, willing to activate your semblance.

The dim orange light from the window illuminates Torchwick's daring smile as he confidently saunters into the room. His eyes land on yours.

"Why hello, there. Fancy meeting you here!" He says with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

You slide further back along the wall while he prowls closer, like an animal preparing to strike. "How did you find me?"

He sighs dramatically. "Again with this question. Well, let's just say I have a few tricks up my sleeve."

Grabbing the arm of your backpack, you fling it off your shoulders and chuck it at him with mighty force. With his cane, he expertly wacks it to the side without effort.

"Isn't that trick getting a little old?" He frowns unimpressed.

This time you attempt to run past him, only to have the back of your head swatted with the cane instead. You fall to the wooden floor and on your knees, cradle your head in pain. It stings with every one of your thundering heart beats.

You're hunched foward, watching his feet move to you. They eventually stop right infront of your face. Tilting your head to look up, he intimately looms over you.

"Now..." He bends down to grip your sweater collar, brushing your neck with his fingers. Yanking you forcefully to a standing position, he moves his angry face close to yours. "You are going to pay for every last speck of dust you stole from me."

Desperately, you smack him hard across the face. He holds his cheek in his hand, glaring at you. "You little..." he mutters in frustration. "I will kill you."

You go to pull away when he drops his cane and grasps both of your upper arms with his vice-like hands, holding you in place.

Torchwick stares hard at you, his breath warm on your face.


When he doesn't make any attempt to harm you, you glance up at his emerald eyes with your confused ones. He meets your gaze and the fire in his eyes are extinguished, replaced with something you can't recognize. His face relaxes from its frowning and softens. The longer you stare into eachother's eyes, the more numb you both start to feel.

After a minute of feeling frozen in time, Torchwick's hands loosen around your arms, but you're too captivated in his powerful gaze to move away from him. He blinks slowly, a soft pink colouring his cheeks. His eyes travel down to your lips.

"What's your name?" He steps closer.

You move closer as well, leaving centimeters between your faces. "Y/n. What's yours?"

"Roman." He breathes. He closes his eyes and gently moves his soft lips onto yours.

Your face feels like its on fire, this being your first kiss. His lips are gentle, moving ever so carefully on yours. He moves his hands to your back, pulling you into his strong chest. Your breasts are pressed up against him and you can feel his heart thumping wildly.

Roman Torchwick x Reader: When The Sky Turns DarkWhere stories live. Discover now