F*ck it

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Ragged and out of breath, you run all the way back to the base without looking back.

Ozpin's concerned face flashes in your mind. You shut your eyes and shake your head, trying to rid him from your vision.

Were you making a mistake by running away? Does he really believe that he can help you?

...Do you need help?

-Time Skip-

You open the door to Torchwick's room to find him sitting on the edge of the bed with his legs crossed, anxiously fidgeting with his cane. "Where were you? We're leaving in ten minutes!"

You enter the room and close the door behind you, wordlessly going over to the bed and falling on it face first.


You feel Roman lay down beside you, gently running his hand over your back. "Hey, what's wrong?" He delicately asks.

Turning on your side to face him, you sigh, placing a frustrated hand over your forehead. "Everything."

Roman narrows his eyes unimpressed. "Look, I can't help you if you're so vague. Just spill the beans already."

You chuckle to yourself from his straightforwardness. He's already making you feel better without even trying.

"I wanted to clear my head so I went for a walk. But I ran into my old headmaster while I was out."

Roman raises an eyebrow. "What happened?"

You sigh again, closing your eyes. "He chased me."

You weren't going to go into detail with what happened. It would only piss him off.

"Well, you're here now so obviously you got away."

"He said I was making a mistake." You sit up, holding your head in your hands. "But I wonder, am I really?"

Roman sits up as well, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. "It's your life, Y/n. Just because other people think you're making the wrong decisions doesn't mean they're right."

You turn to gaze into his emerald eyes. "I don't know about that. What if I'm too stupid to see?"

"Let me ask you something. How do you feel right now?"


Roman grunts in annoyance. "How do you feel when you're here, with me?"

You ponder for a moment at his odd question. Staring deep into his eyes. "It feels... warm and right."

"Do you want to be with me?"

"Yes, more than anything."

"Do you think our relationship is one big mistake?"

You shake your head. "No."

Roman's lips part to reveal a toothy grin. "Good." He stands up, adjusting the hat on his head. "In life you disappoint other people. That's just how it is."

"You're right." You jump up and go over to him, wrapping your arms around him in a gentle embrace.

A smile tugs at your lips. "Thank you."

You let go and back away from him. Surprisingly his cheeks are red.

Why is he blushing?

"You know." Roman mummbles, crossing his arms. "After tonight, relationships between the people you used to know will never be the same."

"Fuck it."

Roman smiles again, grabbing you from the waist and pulling you into a warm kiss.

You break away, taking his hands in your own. "Let's do this."

-Time Skip-

Sitting in an air ship next to Roman, everyone is buckled in their lineup of seats on either side, facing each other. You watch as men start to hold their stomachs and place a hand over their mouths.

You feel warm fingers intertwine with your own. Glancing to your left, Roman smirks down at you. So he thinks it's funny too.

Suddenly, from the cockpit, the green haired girl exits and calmly saunters up to you.

She stands with hands on her hips, a kind but fake smile on her face. "Y/n, Cinder wants to see you."

Wordlessly, you go to unbuckle your seat belt, Roman does the same.

"Oh." The girl narrows her eyes "Not you."

Roman frowns.

The girl sighs. "She has to come alone."


You give Roman's hand a reassuring squeeze before getting up and following her to the cockpit door. "By the way, what's your name?"

The girl looks back at you suprised. "Um, it's Emerald."

You both continue walking until you reach the front of the air ship.

Emerald stops beside the gray door and gestures you inside.

Nervously, you enter the room. A white fang member sits in the pilot's seat, preoccupied with the gadgets and buttons infront of him. In the copilot seat, the mysterious woman with the dark hair and red dress, spins around in her chair.

She forms a small smile on her lips, hands folded over her lap. "Greetings, Y/n."

What does she want you for?

As soon as the question rises in your mind, so does she, walking calmly up to you with her eyes narrowed. With each step, her glass high heels clink on the floor. "Tonight, I have different plans for you."

Your shoulders slump in disappointment. You were looking foward to trashing a Schnee warehouse.

Cinder begins slowly walking around you, like a lion circling its prey. She must do that when she's thinking. "Your semblance will play a key role in stealing top secret information."

Your eyes widen. Top secret info? What kind?

Cinder smirks evily. "You will walk right into the Schnee residence. Go to the man's personal office and steal some files. While you're at it, find his computer and hack it with this." She takes your wrist and places a small white memory stick in your hand. You dare to look into her intimidating eyes.

"Oh." She backs away from you and returns to her seat next to the pilot. "And feel free to do whatever you please to the place."

You smile wih anticipation, nodding.

Cinder spins in her chair to face the front, which was scenery of a dark sky dotted with stars separated by a large glass pane. "You may leave."

You spin on your heal and leave the room. Emerald was still there, waiting by the door on the other side. By the way she looks into your eyes you can tell she's curious about what just happened.

You saunter past her with new energy. Anticipation, nervousness, excitement. Tonight was going to be interesting. Maybe you would come face to face with Mr.Schnee himself. That would be a real prize.

You take your seat next to a confused looking Roman, buckling your seat belt and resting your head on his shoulder.

You feel his hot breath on your ear. "What was that about?" He whispers with curiosity. You curl a strand of his orange hair around your finger.

"Something good just happened."

Roman Torchwick x Reader: When The Sky Turns DarkWhere stories live. Discover now