Hello, again.

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You slowly creak open the door, holding your breath. The room has a red king sized bed against the right wall, its sheets neatly tucked. On the left, a large map of the city is pinned up and red circles are drawn around many buildings with marker; some are crossed out. Stepping cautiously inside, you gently close the door behind you. Across the room on the opposite wall, the brown curtains are drawn apart, revealing a cracked glass sliding door. A figure stands outside on a balcony, facing away from you.

Your breath catches in your throat. It was Roman.

Taking rushed steps, you move across the room, sliding the door roughly to the side. Roman makes no move to see what the commotion is. He rests his elbows on the railing, leaning foward. That's right, your semblance is still activated.

Slowly, you move next to him. He frowns, eyes staring sadly off into the distance of orange street lights and closed stores. Roman heaves a shaky sigh. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a pack of cigarettes. He goes to put one in his mouth when you feel a sudden lightness.

"Smoking is bad for you, y'know."

Roman's eyes bulge, he stumbles back and in an instant, points his cane right at your head.

"Y/n?!" He lowers his weapon, a look of suprise still on his face. "How in the hell did you get here?"

You smile out of glee. "My semblance-"

"-Do you have any idea how dangerous it is here?" He holds the top of his head in frustration.

"Well I-" Your smile is replaced with a frown.

He sighs, cutting you off once more. "You just had to be a student at Beacon Academy, didn't you."

"Let me speak, damn it!"

Roman's mouth twitches in annoyance. But he keeps quiet.

"My semblance is like invisibility. I followed one of your men here so I could find you."

"You shouldn't be here, Y/n." He scowls. "Get out of here."

His words hit you hard, but you see the regret in his eyes as he says them. At least, you hope you do.

Staring down at your feet, you ball your hands into fists. "I can't go back. I won't."

"Well you're going to." He says distantly.


"So you're like that, huh?" Tears start to form in your eyes. Anger brews in the pit of your stomach and you suddenly want to scream at the top of your lungs. "You never felt anything for me to begin with, did you. You just wanted to fuck some random girl, is that right!?" The words taste dry and metallic in your mouth, your stomach twists in knots.

Roman's eyes widen. He grabs your shoulder and glances toward the door. "Shhh! Keep it down, will you?"

Smacking his hand away, you step backward.

"I ran away so I could see you again, Roman..." You sigh. Tears escaping your eyes.

"Okay, okay." He holds up his hands infront of himself. "You've got it wrong."


Roman spins his cane around his finger, looking away from you awkwardly. You await his explanation, wiping the tears from your face with the back of your hand.

"I'm not really good with feelings, alright." He leans against the railing and stares off into the distance, shifting his feet with discomfort. "I'm sorry for making you misunderstand."

Roman Torchwick x Reader: When The Sky Turns DarkWhere stories live. Discover now