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You step out of the shower, ruffling a tan towel through your hair. You had just finished washing yourself and now you anxiously glance around Ozpin's bathroom.

Knock, knock, knock.

Three gentle taps from the door catch your attention.

"Yes?" You meekly croak. You were so exhausted from these past turn of events that you could barely will yourself to speak.

"I've washed your clothes. Would you mind if I returned them to you through the door?"

Your answer is turning the nob and opening the door just a crack. His hand appears, holding a small, neatly folded pile of clothes. Taking them, he quickly pulls his hand back through the gap. You place your free hand on the door and push it closed.

You stare at the pile in your arms. He folded them? Shaking your head, you smile to yourself. Ozpin is such a kind and strange man. Lazily throwing them on, they feel warm against your skin and smell slightly sweet. Must be straight out of the dryer.

Having finished getting dressed, you stand frozen facing the door. Could you erase your presence again and run away? The dread in the pit of your stomach weighs down on you. Inhaling a deep breath, you tensely move to open the door. Your every movement stiff and uncomfortable. When you step cautiously out, a wave of cool air hits and you cross your arms for protection. Your turn your head toward the sound of glass clinking to find Ozpin standing in the kitchen with his back facing you. Awkwardly, you stand in place, debating whether you should leave or wait for him to notice you. Before you can decide, he turns around carrying a green tray consisting of two steamy mugs and a pile of chocolate chip cookies.

Ozpin's eyes widen for a split second when they land on you. "Ah, Y/n, why don't you take a seat?" He forces a smile and walks over to an arm chair, gently placing the tray on the short coffee table infront and sitting down.

Sighing, you meagerly force yourself to the couch on the opposite side of the table, tensely sitting down at the far corner as if you were a machine in desperate need of oil.

Ozpin leans foward in his chair, looping two fingers through the handle of the dark brown mug and leans back, crossing one leg over the other and taking a sip. Meanwhile, you sit hunched with your hands desperately gripping your knees in anxiousness. He glances up at you and without words gets out of his seat. Ozpin rounds the table until he's standing directly infront of you. You watch on in a mixture of dread and horror as he slowly turns and bends down to grab the other mug. Unexpectedly turning back to you and crouching, delicately taking your hand in his warm ones and placing the mug onto it. The heat from the glass quickly soothes you. He folds your finders around it and lets go.

"It's alright, Y/n." He says softly, "Try to relax."

Your face warms from his kindness. He stands up and heads back to his chair, sitting and comfortably leaning back with his legs crossed once again.

Staring down at the golden liquid inside your mug, you bring it to your lips and take a sip. The taste of sweet honey causes your mouth to water. Swallowing, the tea warms your insides. What a nice thing to have after a long day.

Both of you sit in silence for a while, sipping from your mugs. Eventually, you go to take another sip to discover your glass is empty.

"You're not disgusting." Ozpin quietly says.

Lowering the mug on your lap, you look up at him feeling a sudden wave of sleepyness.

His eyes concentrate on the tray between you. "That afternoon in the infirmary..." He clears his throat and glances off to the side. "You were going to ask me about sex, weren't you?"

Your face heats up in a flash and you quickly study the mug in your lap.

"Y/n, has no one spoken to you about this?"

Shaking your head, you blush harder.

"Now is the chance to ask me any questions you may have."

Could you risk being so personal with your headmaster? But you wanted answers... You glance up at him without moving your head. His cheeks are slightly pink while he still studies the tray infront of you.

Staring back down at your mug, your heart beats hard against your chest. "I... I don't know why we just started doing stuff..."

Tears sting your eyes from embarrassment. "We were just kissing at first... But then we started kissing harder and touching each other... It was like I lost all control over myself."

Moments of painful silence pass before he begins to speak. "Hormones can be difficult to deal with... This is quite common for boys and girls your age. Hormones affect sex drive and they can be very powerful and random at times."

In this instant your eyes are opened. Is this why you were so attracted to Roman? You wanted him, but had no idea what for or why.

For the next ten minutes, Ozpin answers all kinds of questions you had saved for your Dad but never got the chance to ask. You were oblivious to so many things up until now.

By the end of his explaining, you have taken a more comfortable position on the couch. You lay across it with your head resting on the arm. Your eyes droop slowly, mind drifting with each passing minute.

Ozpin heaves a sigh, leaning back in his chair again, more tired than embarrassed anymore. "Why have your parents never discussed this with you?"

"I dunno'." You mummble lazily. But you did. Your mom died before she could explain anything to you and your dad must have forgotten.

"You're seventeen years old. How could they not?" His calm voice is hinted with frustration.

You yawn.

Ozpin runs his hand through his hair, sighing once more. "Why have you been meeting with Torchwick? A criminal?"

Closing your eyes, you pretend to fall asleep.



Images flash through your mind of Roman. His sly smirk, his naked body and red face. You wanted to see him again. You were going to see him again. You wanted more of your questions answered. Like why would he start loving you all of a sudden? Did he have feelings for you? Or was it just his sex drive? You know Ozpin will keep a stricter watch on you now. He'll probably try emailing your "mom" to have a meeting with her. Maybe you should just ditch this place altogether. It won't help you get closer to your goal now that Ozpin knows more than you would like him to. What will you do now?

You hear movement but don't bother to open your eyes. Arms move under your back and the crook of your knees. Suddenly you're being lifted. Your head rests against his strong and warm chest. You hear a door open and before you know it, you're lowered onto a soft and comfortable surface. You assume he's carried you to a bed. Opening your eyes just a crack, you watch him grab a blanket and drape it over you. He leaves the room, looking back at you with worry and closing the door. His actions are so irregular for a headmaster. Normally you would be in trouble, not sleeping in his bed at his house. If anything, he would be in trouble now. but it seems he's going to keep the information he's learned of you a secret. You open your eyes all the way now to find yourself surrounded by Pitch black. More than ever now he looked like your father. But he wasn't. You realize now that you actually do care about him. And what you're about to do will probably hurt him. But this is your life.

Roman Torchwick x Reader: When The Sky Turns DarkWhere stories live. Discover now