Leave me alone

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Sighing in defeat, you slowly walk over to him. Ozpin stands perfectly upright with confidence. When you're standing face to face, you notice silver streaks of light reflecting on his white hair from the moon. You also notice that he's changed out of his pajamas and into his normal clothes.

The professor holds a mug out to you and you blink. You didn't realize you were staring. Hesitantly, you take it from him and he nods curtly, taking a sip from his own.

"So," he begins, "Couldn't sleep?"

You shake your head and lower it to avoid his gaze. It's obvious he was waiting for you to come up here, but how did he know when you didn't even know you would?

"Y/n, I know there's something troubling you. I believe it would be better to talk about it rather than keep it all in."

You raise your head cautiously and in an instant your eyes meet his. He stares intensely into yours and it feels like he's looking right through you, making you feel naked.

"If you tell me maybe I can help." His expression changes to that of concern. But deep in his eyes you can tell he's curious as well.

Refusing to offer him any information of your past, you look down again. A long awkward silence passes between you both. You can almost feel his gaze crushing you even though you can't see it.
Why does he want to know so bad? Does he really want to help me?

You struggle with a two sided argument with yourself. You want to tell him, but at the same time you're scared and don't want to trust him, or anyone. Also you're afraid you might cry in front of the professor, which is a sign of weakness and overall embarrassing.

"Y/n, please speak to me." Ozpin's calm demeanor begins to waver, his voice becoming more stern.

But when you look back up to study his face, it's the the same patient and mature one as before. He takes a small step towards you, expressing his dominance in the situation. The professor isn't going to give up until you open up to him, this you can clearly tell. But that won't happen, there's no way. Your anxious self would never tell him your true feelings.

Ozpin sighs, taking another sip from his mug. "Why don't you take a drink, y/n, before your coffee gets cold."

Looking down at the mug in your hand, it's filled with dark brown liquid and the moon reflects off it. Out of nowhere your stomach does a front flip, and your neck stiffens. All you want is to get away from all this tension, sit back at home on your old couch watching tv next to your dad, who would slump so far back he was practically laying down. This memory makes you feel sick to your stomach. It has only been two months since your father's murder and you miss him tremendously. Automatically and without thinking, you tip the mug slightly on its side and watch as the liquid splashes by your feet into a small puddle.

"Y/n-" Ozpin steps back surprised. "What is the meaning of this?"

"I don't want it." You answer monotonously. 

The professor steps up to you again, ignoring the fact that he's standing in a puddle of coffee. "Won't you talk to me?"

"I don't want to." Finally responding to him, your heart starts to race.

"Why are you being like this?"

Balling your hands into fists you shout, "Leave me alone!"

With that he takes a quick step back alarmed. "I'm only trying to help you-"

"Shut up! What makes you think me telling you anything will help me!? Can you bring back the dead? No, you can't! So stop bothering me already!"

Placing a hand on your chest, you try to calm your aching heart. The back of your throat stings from trying to hold back the tears, but they start to gather in your eyes anyway. More than anything you just want to be invisible right now.

When professor Ozpin doesn't respond to your sudden outburst, you swallow back your anxiety and look at Ozpin's face to find him looking around frantically in confusion and panic. He seems to overlook you with each passing glance.

"Y/n? Where did you go?"

With this you regain your confidence, standing up straight and wiping away your tears. you watch as he walks around the rooftop searching. This helps calm you down. When you started to panick you must have activated your semblance unknowingly.

To erase your presence completely.

Roman Torchwick x Reader: When The Sky Turns DarkWhere stories live. Discover now