In the doorway

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You feel your shoulders being shaken.

"Y/n, wake up!"

You breathe heavily and open your eyes to find yourself lying on a mattress in a dark room. Jaune's panicked face hovers over yours.

"Jaune?" You slowly sit up to find the rest of team JNPR in their pyjamas, crouching around you on the floor wearing worried expressions.

Pyrrha rests her hand gently on your shoulder. "Are you alright? Would you like me to get you some water?"

"No thanks." You attempt to catch your breath. "I would like to get back to sleep, if you don't mind." She sighs, taking her hand off you.

Just then the door to the room swings open and professor Ozpin wearing a forest green house coat  stands in the doorway. He leans against the frame with his shoulder.

"I heard reports from students that there was screaming coming from this room so I hurried over." Ozpin takes a sip from his coffee mug while glancing calmly at you. "Care to explain?"

"It was just a dream..."

He raises an eyebrow. "I see... Are you alright?"

You nod your head.

"That was an awful lot of screaming for a bad dream." Nora comments.

Ozpin lowers his now empty mug, standing up straight. "Are you sure you're alright, y/n? There isn't anything we can do for you? Anyone you want to talk to?"

You stare at him standing in the doorway. You blink. Suddenly your father is standing there instead and you're back laying in your old bed.

"I love you, y/n." He sais softly.

"I love you too, dad." You quietly say back.

He gives you a warm smile, then turns to leave.

"Wait!" You jump out of bed. "You can't leave or you'll die!"

He turns his back on you with the smile still on his face.

"Wait!" You plead, racing to him and wrapping your arms around him.


You bury your head into his chest and hold him in a tight embrace. "So it was all just a dream."

"Y/n..." Ozpin's voice vibrates within the body you're embracing. You tilt your head upwards to find Ozpin's surprised face close to yours. You can feel his thumping heartbeat quicken with your chest pressed against his. Awkwardly, you let go of him and stumble backwards. Team JNPR stares at you in disbelief. You avert your vision down to your bare feet and block your face with your hand as tears threaten to escape your eyes.

"Ahem," The professor composes himself. "Y/n, shall we have a chat in my office with some coffee?" He sais this slowly.

You can't tell if he's offering to chat or indirectly telling you to. You force the tears not to come and take a deep breath, raising your head to look at him. "There's no need."

"I'm quite certain there is." He sais more sternly.

"No. I'm tired." You return to your mattress on the floor and lye down. "Just go back to sleep."

Everyone exchanges glances in the dark.

Ozpin sighs, grabbing the door handle. "As you wish, y/n. Goodnight everyone."

Nora waves "Goodnight."

Ozpin steps out and shuts the door softly behind him. Everyone silently goes back to their beds while giving you worried glances.

Pulling the thick blanket over yourself, you force your eyes shut to return to sleep. When sleep doesn't come, you repeatedly flip from side to side. After what feels like hours you give up trying to be comfortable and lay on your back listening to your roommate's soft breathing.

"Screw this..." you mummble under your breath, standing up and quietly leaving your room. The hallway is dark and empty, doors on either side line the walls. You walk aimlessly back and forth before deciding where to go.

Before you know it, after walking up a flight of stairs you're standing before the door to the rooftop. Without hesitation you swing it open. The night air is cool and crisp. The clouds cover the stars like a blanket but the moon still shines brightly through. With his back facing you, professor Ozpin stands by the edge of the building. Your breath catches in your throat. You're just about to activate your semblance but before you can, Ozpin turns around, holding a white coffee mug in each hand.

A slight smug crawls on his lips. "Let's chat."

Roman Torchwick x Reader: When The Sky Turns DarkWhere stories live. Discover now