Wish I could forget

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Your dad smiles warmly at you before walking into his room across from yours. You close your eyes, starting to drift into sleep...

There's a loud noise of glass sharply being smashed.
You wake with a start, not being able to tell if it was real or just a dream. Slowly, you slide yourself out from under your bed covers. From the room next to yours, two pairs of footsteps and heavy grunting is audible. Suddenly, something hits the floorboards with a loud thud. Someone sighs deeply.
Curious, you stand up out of bed and make your way over to your father's room.

You stop in the doorway to find a stranger dressed in black, standing in the center of the room.

Taking in the scene, you spot the broken wine glass on the floor, a syringe in the stranger's hand and your dad lying unconscious on the floor by his feet.

A scream rips through your lungs as realization dawns on you. The man's attention whips directly at you and you cover your mouth in horror.

Waiting for him to react, you stand frozen in fear.
He stares for countless more seconds before scratching his head and bending down to pick up your pale father in a bridal carry.

You continue to stand there in confusion. Why didn't he do anything when he saw you?

Staying silent, you watch as the stranger gently sets your father in bed and pulls the covers over him. The man proceeds to take out his scroll. He taps it for a few moments, then brings the device up to his ear.

"Hello Mr.Schnee... Yes, I've taken care of him, the job is done... No, no one will suspect it's a murder. I injected him with something to give him a heart attack. People will think he died in the middle of the night... Yes, I made sure not to injure him in any way and I put him back in his bed... What? He has a daughter? Do you think he told her, too?... I'll go check if she's here."

The man suddenly walks towards you and you gasp, stepping out of his way right when he's about to walk into you. Confused, he goes streight into your room without seeming to notice you.
You watch as he rips the covers off your bed and drops them on the floor. He brings the scroll up to his ear again.

"She's not here, do you want me to find her and kill her too?... Okay, as long as she doesn't know anything there's no need. It would only bring up suspicion if they both died at the same time anyway."

...The stranger chuckles. "You're an evil man, Mr.Schnee, responsible for killing both the wife and husband... alright I'll return shortly after I make sure the girl isn't just hiding."

The murderer finishes his call, sliding the scroll into his pocket and ducking to look under the bed. He then goes to open the closet door to find nothing.
He passes right by you again and you follow him out into the hall and watch him leave through the front door.

Numbly, you re-enter your father's dark bedroom and go to stand at his bedside. He lyes there unmoving. You stare at his chest, willing it to softly rise and fall, but it stays still.



"I had a bad dream just now. Wake up."







"Dad, wake up! DADDY!"



Roman Torchwick x Reader: When The Sky Turns DarkWhere stories live. Discover now