A red car

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Softly, you tap your knuckles against the door's stiff wood.

Knock, knock, knock.

There are muffled voices comming from inside. A pair of feet shuffle on the other side of the door.


The handle turns and the door creaks inward. Ren's tall figure takes the place of where the door used to be. He nods at you before stepping aside.

When you enter, everyone is sprawled on their beds. Pyrrha holds a thick book infront of herself.
Jaune carefully scribbles words in his binder, a text book next to him. And Nora rests her head on a pillow squished under her chin, arms outstretched infront of her to hold another book.

Pyrrha turns her head and sais a brief greeting before turning back to get absorbed into her reading again.

Looks like they're busy studying.

You gently close the door behind you while Ren returns to his bed. Sitting and leaning his back against the headboard, resting his open binder on his legs.

The sky's light pink has grown into an intense orange outside the window. Pencil on paper is all that can be heard in the room.

It's quite peaceful.


You blink yourself out of this odd trance. Nora is looking at you with a smile of uncertainty. "Why are you just standing there?"

That's right, you're still in the same place from when you just walked in.

"Did I miss something important today when I skipped school?"

Jaune closes his textbook and sets it down on the floor. "Naw, just review." He sits up and hunches over to read his notes.

"Then, what are you all doing?"

"Catching up on work." Nora sighs, lowering her book and looking up hopelessly. "Boring."

-Time skip-

Lying on a thick mattress, you stare up at the dark ceiling wide awake. From either side a bed towers over you. On your right, Jaune's arm hangs down lazily by your head. His golden hair is in messy disarray, along with his blanket that is mostly in a heap on the floor. For a moment it seems like he's staring right at you. But when you take a closer look his eyes are closed.
To your left is Pyrrha, neatly tucked under her covers. Her red hair dangles slightly off the side.
The complete opposite of Jaune.
Both of them breathe gently in soft rhythm.

Tonight is perfect.

Slowly and cautiously, you push your covers off to the side. You admire the black hoody and pants you managed to sneak into without anyone noticing.
Standing up, you get a full view of the dark shadowy room. Ren and Nora are also sleeping soundly, facing each other.

Suddenly Jaune moans, and you freeze in place. He flips onto his back, arms and legs spread like a star fish. His boxers are tight around his bony hips, revealing a slight bulge. When you quickly avert your eyes upwards, his muscled chest and stomach are bare from his shirt gathering around his neck.
Your face grows warm as you quickly look away. You've never seen a man so exposed before.
If Jaune woke up right now he would be really embarrassed.

The sound of fabric moving brings your attention back to him. He lays on his side now, clutching his knees to his chest.

Is he cold?

Bending down beside the bed to gather his blanket off the floor, you find its edges and let the rest hang down to drape over him. After you tuck him in, moments pass before his muscles relax under the covers.

Roman Torchwick x Reader: When The Sky Turns DarkWhere stories live. Discover now