A white palace (End)

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You stand infront of a gigantic white mansion in the middle of the night. It felt like forever to get here, but it was only a three hour flight. Which was still a long time.

Pulling the hood of your black sweater over your head and adjusting the left strap of your backpack, you prepare for your long awaited mission.

Scanning the area, you spot countless surveillance cameras and guards all over the perimeter. Closing your eyes and taking a deep breath, you hold it in your lungs and concentrate.


You open them again, feeling lighter than you were before. A gust of wind blows strands of hair in your face. You brush them away in annoyance and bend down to grab a pebble from the ground.

Tossing it up and down in your hand, you look for a suitable target. The steel gate should saffice. You couldn't find anything better. Locking your sight onto it, you chuck the little rock. It ricochets off it without making a sound, tumbling back to its place on the ground.

Good. You were getting the hang of activating your semblance more easily. Now that you think about it, you could have avoided that entire encounter with Ozpin earlier if you had just disappeard.

Smacking a hand onto your forehead, you cringe at your stupidity.

You shake your head, beginning to walk foward. Just forget about it and focus on the task at hand. You've been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Nonchalantly, you push open the fancy steel gates and step inside the property. Glancing around, no one has seemed to notice.

With your hands in your pockets, you resume sauntering over to the front door, your heart beat starting to quicken.

Oh god, if you get caught you are so fucked.

Damn, stop thinking like this! It never stopped you before!

Angry at yourself, you kick open the front door resulting in your satisfaction. Horking up saliva from the back of your throat, you spit a nasty glob of it onto the white tiled floor. This was getting more fun each second.

This was definitely not a house. It was a mansion. Maybe even a palace.

Large white carvings of life sized horses and men lined the walls of the entry way. A long blood red carpet led to another hallway adorned with paintings.

Great. This place is huge. How are you suppost to find his office?

You begin exploring the expensive place. Silently walking down wide halls, you stare in awe at the beautiful white pillars reaching the ceiling.

You walk on until you come across another open room with a black ebony piano. You never saw one in real life before. It was so beautiful.

Forcing yourself to concentrate, you continue walking down the hall. Passing the occasional maid or butler. Of cource they don't notice you in the slightest.


After another twenty minutes of wondering around completely lost, you nearly walk into a door you were just about to pass that was flung open in your face. Out of suprise you jump back, clutching at your racing heart.

The man who steps out into the hall is none other than Mr.Schnee. Your breath hitches in your throat as suddenly everything turns to slow motion.

He was tall and old. His white hair combed back and a mustache sprouting from under his nose. He stood straight with pride. His eyes shone with arrogance. Even his suit was white! This man must really like white.

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