The lake

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In the midst of your laughing fit you remember that you failed to trash the dust shop and spray paint your signature. You shrug.

There's always the next one.

The night is mysterious with the road void of any vehicles except your own. Orange street lights flash past repetitively with your illegal speed. Inside the car is warm and dry. Neon green lights illuminate the dash board. Everything inside the car is stunning black leather.

You lean back in your chair, inhaling that new car smell.
Pressing the brake pedal, you spin the wheel left and turn a corner. Your destination, the woods.
Further ahed, on the right side of the highway is a lone biker. Your own bike leaning against the alley wall flashes in your head.

Shit. You'll go back for it tomorrow.

-Time skip-

Tree branches scrape and stray pebbles thunk against the car's body. A small dirt trail in the woods is the last place you would drive an expensive sports car like this one.
Two minutes pass when finally you reach a clearing with a grassy hill overlooking a small lake surrounded by dark forest. A smile tugs at your lips as you slowly crawl up to the edge. When you're close enough, you climb out of the vehicle.

"Cya, nice car. It was fun while it lasted."

Scanning your surroundings, you spot a rock the size of your foot on the ground a few meters away. You pick it up and lug it back to the car. And taking a deep breath, you stand beside the driver's seat and drop it on the petal, jumping back frantically as the engine vrooms and the car shoots right by you off the side of the hill.

You run to the edge and look down. The car dives through the air, then splashes heavily in the lake. Water violently sprays upward and you clasp your hands together in satisfaction. The car sinks deeper and deeper into the water, its bright white headlights still shining.

All at once, millions of colourful lights shine from the bottom. Your eyes widen in amazement. The lake looked magical, otherworldly. They must be from the car's beams reflecting off the dust crystals. You stare in wonder at the beautiful scene before you, until the car's lights start to flicker. They flicker again. Then again before going out. And the lights disappear.

-Time skip-

"Y/n." Pyrrha say's softly. "It's time to wake up."

You force your eyes open to find yourself lying on the mattress in your dorm room. In her pink nighty, Pyrrha sits cross legged on her bed, gently running a brush through her long hair. Jaune, like always, is pulling his pants on with his covers on top of him. If he's so self conscious, then why doesn't he just wear pajama pants or something.

Sitting up, you're wearing your usual sleep wear. And you wonder briefly if last night was just a dream.

A vision of the men bursting out of the dust shop flashes through your mind. You remember their mysterious leader. His sense of style was interesting. His orange hair like nothing you've ever seen. You wonder if it's his natural colour or not. Then his eyes, so green and captivating like a precious jem. You wish you could stare into them again.

Your cheeks flush and you stand up, beginning your morning routine early to distract yourself from these strange new thoughts.

You hurry to the bathroom and begin to undress. A mild burning sensation irritates your left arm. Examining it, a blackish blue bruise swells in the shape of long fingers. You have a flashback of when that man grabbed you hard there before you took off with his car. A smile tugs at your lips when you remember, then fades as you're presented with a new problem. People will start having suspicions if they see the shape of a hand on your arm.

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