Annoying drunkard

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Since that night by the lake, three days have passed. During the day groups of men work in shifts, loading soggy boxes of dust onto trucks. Other men gather the scattered dust crystals with nets and bags. With all this work, a steady flow of dust was coming in. Way more than the usual, allowing everyone to rest easy when it turns dark.

You and Roman are sat facing each other at a small table in his room, both holding a fan of cards infront of yourselves. He frowns in concentration, staring at the cards laid out before him. Patiently you wait, watching his every move. He carefully moves to place another card down-

The door to the room creaks open to reveal Mercury with a sly smirk on his face. "Yo." He casually waves.

Roman's eye twitches in irritation. "What is it now?"

Mercury enters the room and moves to the side, allowing Cinder and the green haired girl to walk in past him, closing the door behind them.

"Tonight, we have big plans." Cinder says in her calm demeanor.

"What plans?" Roman asks in annoyance.

The green haired girl places her hands on her hips. "The, storming the Schnee Dust Company, plan."

Roman groans, angerly slamming his cards down on the table and standing up. "Why didn't you tell me about this sooner?"

Mercury's smirk becomes a toothy smile. "We wanted it to be a suprise."

Roman glances at you with disappointment. Tonight you were going to eat out for dinner, but your plans have changed.

Smiling at him, you nod with understanding. Honestly, you didn't mind these new turn of events at all. It was like a dream come true.

-Time Skip-

Roman had left you in his room to meet with Cinder privately to coordinate things. You didn't like her. There was something missing from her that you couldn't quite place.

You ponder for a moment before a word pops into your mind. Compassionate. Mercury lacked compassion as well. You weren't too sure about the other girl, though: You've barely seen her.


Boredly you lean over the table and gather the cards Roman had slammed down, comparing them with your own. Sighing, you place them back down on the table. If the game had continued he would have won.

Out of nowhere a picture of team JNPR pops into your mind. Were they worried about you? Are they sad that you left, or angry? Do they even care at all? Shaking your head, you stand up. When you ran away you left all that behind. You didn't need that place anymore.

Next, Ozpin with his small smile appeared in your mind. He was a kind man, but nosy. Concerned, you guess. Out of everyone, he would be the one that's angry at you. You lied to him after all, and took advantage of his kindness.

A gust of cool air sways the curtains in the room. The window is open, revealing a setting sun and small stars just starting to reveal themselves.

Did you have compassion? After everything you've done? Were you just like Cinder and Mercury, trampling everyone in their path?

Sighing, you pull the hood of your black hoodie over your head and leave the room. A walk would be nice about now.


You exit the building, starting your afternoon stroll around the city.

You walk past all sorts of people. Women wearing short colourful dresses. Men wearing suits. You briefly wonder what event is going on.

Roman Torchwick x Reader: When The Sky Turns DarkWhere stories live. Discover now