You seek, I seek

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Manouvering past strangers on the side walk, your feet sting from walking all day and your ankles ache. Was running away a good idea? You shake your head. You would rather be mindlessly wondering around here than being pestered back at Beacon Academy.

-Time Skip-

The sun dips behind the horizon, causing the clouds to glow bright orange and the sky to fade into a moody blue. You haven't taken another break since the cafe because more than anything you just wanted to see Roman again. The streets have less activity than earlier. Shops turn on flashy street signs for the coming night.

How were you going to find him? You can imagine him at a shady bar someplace, but stop yourself. He's too classy to want to be in a place like that. Next you try picturing him at an expensive club. But you had no idea where any of those would be. This is like a really shitty game of hide and seek...

As you're pondering, you walk past a dust shop much like the others you've hit, except this one is in perfect condition. Abruptly stopping, you turn and look through the glass. Inside, the shop owner was closing up for the night.

That's it. You'll wait by this shop for him to appear. He always seems to show up at dust shops.

So, you cross the street and sit on the curb, staring at the man inside locking up the cash register. He glances your way and steps back out of suprise. Awkwardly, he waves at you and returns to his work.


Long minutes pass with you sitting hunched over on the hard concrete. The employee turns off the lights inside and locks up the front door, all the while glancing over his shoulder back at you. Eventually he walks away, leaving you waiting alone in the dark.

-Time Skip-

You have no idea what time it is, but it's late. You glance around the empty street and sigh. Roman was no where to be seen. You decide it's time to leave and find a place to sleep for the rest of the night. Just as you stand up, a blinding white light shines in your face. You raise your hand infront of your eyes and squint. A black and white cop car was slowly rolling down the road toward you. Shit.

Turning, you speed walk into some random alley and come out at another street. You do the same thing five more times, cutting between buildings.

A shiver ripples your body. The temperature was dropping. Gripping your arms, you walk down an unrecognizable empty sidewalk.

"Roman..." You whisper to yourself. "Where are you?"

Your bottom lip begins to quiver, a lump forming at the back of your throat.

That's when you see it.

A man wearing a mask and dark clothing snoops through an alley way. The same type of man that always seems to be around Roman.

Without thinking, you activate your semblance and follow close behind. The man anxiously glances over his shoulder, his dog ears pricking up. He breaks into a sudden sprint, his black tail wagging behind as he disappears behind a building. You run to catch up with him. As you cross the street, you yelp, nearly colliding with another police car. Taking a deep breath, you continue to chase the faunus. He runs at an even pace, jumping back yard fences and running through parking lots.

Finally, he stops in an old rundown shopping district. You grasp at your heart, breathing hard. The street was littered with trash, mostly fast food resturant cups and plastic bags. All of the buildings stand crippled and weather worn. The man glances over his shoulder again, looking right at you. Your eyes widen, but he faces away and continues walking.

He leads you to a large concrete building with no windows. A dim line of light escapes from the bottom of the front door. The man taps an odd rhythm with his fist and quickly steps away. It swings open and he steps inside, you follow shortly behind just before the door slams in your face.

A dimly lit room full of faunus. The men had their masks piled to overflowing on a coffee table. It sat between three red couches with people crowded on them. Lots crossed their legs, others spread their legs far apart and some leaned back and stared up at the ceiling. Scattered around the room were tables and more people sitting around them playing cards. On the right, a metal staircase lead upstairs.

The man you were following joins the fray, pulling up a chair beside the couch area and tossing off his mask to join the others.

You stand by the wall, twiddling your thumbs in nervousness.

"So, the plan was canceled?" The dog faunus asks.

A man with green scales on his face turns to him. "The boss just said we'll do it tomorrow. When I asked why, he got angry and told me to shut up."

Another young man, one with a white poofy wolf tail leans foward on the couch. "You're lucky!" He pouts, "When I asked why, he shot the wall right next to my head!"

The men in the room burst into hearty laughter.

The door man stands behind the dog faunus. His biceps bulge as he crosses his arms. "Torchwick's been in a foul mood since he got back last night, I'd advise not to test him."

"Yeah, yeah." The wolf leans back again. "It's not my fault he's as emotional as a pubesant girl."

The lizzard man smirks evily. "I wouldn't be talking if I were you, Chadwick."

The men burst into laughter once more while the wolf boy crosses his arms and slumps back into the couch with a scowl on his face. "Assholes..."

You've heard enough. Torchwick is here somewhere in this hideout. Your eyes wonder to the stairway. There must be a command room of some sort.

Carefully manouvering around lazy men, you reach the staircase and place your left hand on the smooth silver railing. With each step your hand glides across it. When you reach the top, you're greeted with a long dark hallway lined with wooden doors on either side. Soundlessly, you step foward on the damaged red carpet. This place must have been a hotel at one point.

At the very end of the hall before the next staircase, you notice a pale light exiting from one of the closed doors on the right. Out of anticipation you pick up your pace, your heart thumping harder in your chest. Finally you were going to see Roman again.

Roman Torchwick x Reader: When The Sky Turns DarkWhere stories live. Discover now