Nothing could be worse

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Mature content

Roman moves his tongue across his lips, tracing his hands along your smooth inner thighs. He takes your left leg, raising it high and moves his face between. His wet tongue trails down your leg to your crotch, where his head lingers. He holds your thighs apart, pressing his face into your damp underwear. What is he doing?

Your question is answered when you feel a tongue gliding across your panties. Your area throbs harder, wetness seeping out of you. He moves away while smirking, licking his lips again.

"You taste good."

Questionably, you look at him with your brows furrowed. "I didn't know people had a taste."

He stands, fingers lingering on the sides of his boxers. "You don't know a lot of things, but I'll teach you."

He pulls down and drops them by his feet. Your eyes widen at the new sight of seeing a man's private parts. This time Roman's cheeks blossom pink. "Like what you see?"

Without words, you sit up, crawling over and kneeling directly infront of him. His private parts are erect right infront of your face. Curiously, you glance up at him. To your suprise, he stares down at you with his face even more heated than before. Placing your hands on his hips, you stick out your tongue, moving your face closer to the foreign entity. You glide it along his strong shaft and other different places. He moves his hands to grasp the hair on the back of your head. You glance up again to see he's craned his neck, face up to the ceiling. Amazingly, when you look back down, his erection has become even longer and harder. You didn't think it was possible. You back away, slipping your damp sweater and shirt off the top of your head and flinging it across the room. The only things remaining now was your panties and un-hooked bra. Laying back down on the floor, you raise your arms above your head and separate your legs.

You look back at his face to find he's been staring at you, lips pursed and eyes crawling all over your body filled with aching desire. He practically jumps on you on all fours, hungrily moving himself between you and grinding. You moan while he frantically moves his tongue across your breasts, hands moving wildly all over your body.

You hear a gasp but pay no heed to it, figuring it came from Torchwick. He sits back and grabs the edges of your panties about to pull down-

"Y/n!?" A familiar voice shouts.

Both you and Roman freeze your love making. Twisting your heads to the sound, Professor Ozpin stands in the doorway. His mouth is hung open in suprise, brows contorted in disgust and eyes filled with worry. His cheeks redden at the sight.

Roman's eyes bulge. He jumps off you and frantically grabs his clothes, running out of the room while Ozpin just stands there unmoving.

You're left laying there with your legs spread apart, breathing heavily. Now that Roman has left your body, you feel unbearably hot and sweaty, your panties soaking wet. You were left with many desires that your lower region still hungered. You wonder if the professor would be able to satisfy them.

Out of the question. You shut your eyes and try to think straight. It was like an animal inside of you was trying to take over your body.

Slowly sitting up, you feel a deep despair. Ozpin still stares at you, lewd desire flashing through his eyes for a moment. He shakes his head, ridding the thought from his mind as fast as it had arrived. He opens his mouth, then closes it, too stunned for words. Nothing could be worse than this moment right now.

A memory of your father laying lifeless in his bed plagues your mind. You sit there in crushing silence, wondering what he would think of you now. You were nearly having sex with a complete stranger. Shamefully rejecting your common sense over sexual desire. He would be disgusted with you.

Roman Torchwick x Reader: When The Sky Turns DarkWhere stories live. Discover now