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The lack of sleep from last night drags you into an unforgiving slumber.


With blankets warmly snug around you, the sharp sound of glass shattering has you awaken. You're laying half awake in your old bed. Listening to the familiar sounds of frantic footsteps on the house's floorboards and painful grunting. Suddenly there's a loud thud and in an instant a dark figure stands in the doorway.


Gasping for air, you sit up, examining the room you've woken to find. Beds with red sheets are lined up against the back wall. You're sitting in one. An open window allows a warm yellow glow to seep in and a calm breeze to sway the curtains. You sigh, quickly being pulled back into reality.

You're in a dorm room at Beacon. You transfered here after lying to the headmaster. A lot. But all of the teams and roomates were already assigned by the time you got here, so Ozpin had you unofficially become a part of team JNPR for the time being.

You remind yourself of all these things, trying to prove that you are safe. For now, at least.

Lying back down, you rest your head on the soft pillow and stare up at the ceiling. With the golden light entering from the window, it appears you slept most of the day away. It's nice to sleep on an actual bed again instead of a single mattress on the floor.

You close your eyes, listening to the wind softly rustle distant tree leaves. There's chatter from students outside. Idly, you wonder what they talk about. Are they gossiping? Talking about the beautiful day? You wonder for a moment how nice it would be to talk with friends.

Your train of thought is cut short by the sound of the room's door being creaked open. Team JNPR, excluding Jaune, enters the room, tired expressions on their faces from the long day at school. Nora stands next to your bed with a smirk on her face.

"Hey, y/n, did you sleep all day?" She pipes up.

How is it that she has so much energy all the time? You sigh in irritation. "What does it look like?"

"Lucky!" She runs to her own bed and dives face first into it. "Tomorrow, I'm going to sleep all day, too." She sais into her pillow.

"No you're not." Ren comments, gently placing his binders on the shelf by his bed.

Nora jumps up. "You're right. Sleeping all day is boring. Maybe we can all do something exciting, like go to a theme park!"

Pyrrha smiles, "Nora, we have weekends to do things like that. We don't have to skip school." She sits on her bed next to yours and crosses her legs. "Y/n, you know it isn't good for you to sleep all day."

You flip onto your side to face away from her. She acts like a mother. You wonder if she realizes she does.

She clears her throat. "In case you didn't know, that's-"

The door creaks open again, ending whatever Pyrrha was about to say. Jaune steps into the room. As soon as he sees you, his eyes widen in surprise for a quick second.

"Y/n." he begins questionably. "What are you doing in my bed?"

He seems almost embarrassed to ask you this. So that was what Pyrrha was about to tell you, this bed is Jaune's. Lazily, you slide into a sitting position, only to realize you're still in your pajamas.

"I was tired, so I just jumped into the closest bed when I walked in."

"Ahem... Well, you can go now, if you don't mind."

Guess that means get the fuck off.

With that, you peel the blanket over your legs to the side and climb out, standing up on the carpeted floor. Your legs are a little shaky from the lack of movement all day and your head hurts from over sleeping. Jaune Awkwardly goes to empty his book bag onto the table beside the door. From the corner of your eye, Pyrrha is staring at you. She must be jealous that you were in Jaune's bed. From the first day you arrived here it's been super obvious that she has a crush on him.

Jaune pulls out the wooden chair in front of the table and sits down. He leans over with a pencil in hand to write. Must be doing his homework.

"Oh yeah-" Jaune sits up quickly. Everyone turns their attention to their leader. He twists in his seat to face you. "I almost forgot! Ozpin wants to speak with you in his office."

Shit. The professor mentioned he wanted to speak with you again, but you didn't think it would be this soon.

Jaune rubs the back of his neck, sensing your displeasure in hearing the news. "Ah... you don't like Ozpin?"

"It's not that, I just don't feel all too great." Well that's one reason. It is true that your head hurts. Why does that man have to know everything?

Sighing, you force your way over to the closet and select the school uniform. You then lock yourself in the small bathroom to change. You hate wearing skirts. They're breezy and uncomfortable. One wrong move or gust of wind and there's your underwear for all to see. You definitely prefer pants.

Picking up the pile of pajamas you left on the floor, you exit the bathroom and go to stuff them under Jaune's bed.

"Hey!" He protests, standing up from the table.

"Where else am I supposed to put them?"

Pyrrha goes over and bends down to grab them. "You can share my dresser space for now." She politely suggests.

She's so mature. You wonder if you can ever be like her. "Thanks."

She nods.

Leaving the room, you make your way out the dorm. You're walking down the main path towards the largest building straight ahed when your stomach audibly growls. That's right, you haven't eaten all day.

The sun sets, shining an eerie orange glow on the building. The perfect setting for your impending doom. At least the walk there helps to calm your nerves.

At the top of the building on the other side of the glass a lone figure stands with his hands behind his back. Professor Ozpin is watching you from his office. Creepy.

Knowing this you speed up your pace until you reach the front doors. Next you step into the elevator at the other side of the room and press the button for the top floor, allowing it to carry you for a few moments.

You can feel the elevator has stopped climbing upward. Before you can take a deep breath the silver doors gently slide apart.

Ozpin still stands where you last saw him by the window. He turns and gives you a smile. "Greetings, Y/n."

Before the elevator doors can close in your face, you step into the room. Your shoulders tense as you can hear the elevator travel back down.

He leisurely strolls to his desk and sits. He waves his hand toward the empty chair infront of him. "Take a seat."

Roman Torchwick x Reader: When The Sky Turns DarkWhere stories live. Discover now