Naughty dream

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You're laying naked on your back atop a large red bed. The room is dimly lit with yellow light coming from the bedside lamp. Out of nowhere you're feeling really turned on.

"Well, well." A voice mixes with your heavy breathing. Roman stares naked from the foot of the bed, tracing his tongue across his lips while his penis stands hard and ready. Spreading your legs, he jumps onto the bed and moves between them, sliding his hard cock into you.

"Ah!" You moan loudly, gripping the sheets of the bed with your hands.

Roman takes one of your breasts in each hand, squeezing gently. You place a hand on his face and he smiles down at you. He thrusts in and out of you in quick hard motions, causing you to thrust in return.

"Y/n!" He screams, thrusting harder.

Looking up at his face, his mouth is gaping open with his tongue hanging out. Drool runs off his lips and his eyes are rolled to the ceiling in sexual pleasure.
Suddenly, a warm liquid oozes into you and his face turns even more lewd.

"Roman!" You gasp, "I love you!"


You wake up in darkness, laying on your stomach with your legs separated while breathing fast.

"What the hell?" You mutter.

Heat rushes to your face in an instant as you sit up, placing a hand on your crotch. You never had this kind of dream before... It felt so real. A part of you was disappointed, but at the same time you were relieved. He wasn't wearing a condom in the dream, and he came inside of you. If it was real life you could have gotten pregnant.

Knock, knock, knock. "Y/n? May I come in?"

"Huh? Sure..." You croak, jumping out of bed. Why is he up?

Ozpin creaks opens the door and light spills into the room. His eyes have dark circles under them. His hair a silver messy heap and his clothes are wrinkled and haphazardly. "Are you alright? I heard groans coming from this room."

Warmth floods your cheeks. You made noises, too? "I had a nightmare again." You quickly explain.

"Would you like to talk about it?" He yawns.

"No thanks. I just want to get back to sleep." Why does this man want to talk about everything?

Ozpin nods. "Goodnight, then." He closes the door and you sigh, collapsing back into bed face first.


  Tossing and turning, flashes of Roman invade your mind. His mysterious emerald eyes, his daunting smirk. You craved them so badly. You remember the feeling of him kissing you. Of him taking off his clothes and licking his lips. What he did to you, it felt so good. The pleasure on his face was even better. Your heart hammers against your chest. Your lower region begins to get excited again.

Damn it. Snap out of it!

You flip over in bed again. You didn't want your relationship to be just about sex. You wanted to talk to him and learn more about him. You wanted to start things slow.

-Time skip-

"Y/n, wake up. It is seven in the morning."

You peel your eyes open. Ozpin stands beside you with his hands behind his back. He glances slightly to the side feeling uncomfortable. You've seen more emotion expressed from him these past hours than every day you saw him regularly.

Sitting up, you slide yourself off the bed. "I still have to go to school?" After all the shit you've experienced... damn.

"Indeed." He turns, walking out the bedroom door.

Sighing, you follow him. Today was going to be a long day.

He stands by the front door. "I apologize, Y/n. But I'm afraid you'll have to leave now."

"What will I say to JNPR when I see them?"

Ozpin looks down at you with sympathy. "I have already sent a message to Jaune explaining you were with me. You will have to tell them the rest."

"You want me to tell them the truth?" Panic floods your veins.

"They are your team, Y/n. A team means trusting and being honest with each other. I believe you should do the same."

You hang your head. This was so embarrassing and you barely knew team JNPR even after all the time you spent with them.

Picturing their reactions in your mind, everyone's face turns from disbelief to disgust. A shiver climbs up your spine. You just couldn't see the same in reality. Not again.

Nodding, you wordlessly step through the door and close it, staring down at the floor with your head hanging. A battle was taking place in your mind. Go to class, or get the hell out of here. You liked the second option much better. It would be easy, hide your presence, grab your things and leave. As you mischievously smirk to yourself, your smile fades. Would they care if you left? Would they be hurt? Shaking your head, you make it to the elevator at the end of the empty hall and press a white button. You didn't belong here to begin with. Never did, never will. Soon enough Ozpin or some other teacher will discover your situation, and you'll have to leave anyways.

The elevator doors slide open and you step inside. Where was Roman right now? Robbing, drinking? Sleeping probably: He was up late last night. How on earth were you going to find him?

Roman Torchwick x Reader: When The Sky Turns DarkWhere stories live. Discover now