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After your classes, you get changed out of your school uniform and head downtown. It was busy. Vehicles lined both sides of the street. People walked by you on the side walk, some ran. As you walk past different shops you glance into the windows. This one was a toy store. Stuffed animals sit delicately on shelves and a middle aged, friendly looking man smiles at you from inside. You can't help but smile back.

Eventually, after walking for half an hour in the hot afternoon sun, you arrive at the shadowed alleyway where you left your bike last night. Stepping inside, it's cool and muggy. There it was, the old rusted bike was still in the same place where you left it, its handle bar leaning against the brick wall. You're not suprised it wasn't stolen. Who would want this piece of junk?

Gripping the handle bars, you go to steer it onto the sidewalk when you're suddenly yanked backwards by the neck of your shirt. You suck in a sharp breath as you're spun around by the shoulders to come face to face with the man from last night. You couldn't forget his sense of style, his bright orange hair and his charming smirk.

"Hey there, missy." He forces you backward harshly against the wall of the alley and pins you there. "You're not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you?"

His face is inches from yours and he breathes hot air onto your cheeks. He's exactly how you thought he would smell. Like cinnamon.

He smirks dangerously, moving his face closer to yours. "Where's the car, girl?"

In a lake. But there is no way you can tell him that. You keep your mouth shut.

He pushes you harder against the wall, squeezing your shoulders in a painful grip. "Where do you get off stealing my dust, huh?"

With him this close, you can't help stealing a glance at his emerald eyes. They were so beautiful, belonging to such a handsome face. It just now registers in your brain how close he is to you. You glance down at his soft lips. They were right there, infront of yours. You can't help but blush madly, despite being afraid.

"What's wrong? Cat got your..." He trails off when he notices you're staring and his smirk fades. You look back into his eyes to find he's gazing deep into yours. Your heart skips a beat and you end up losing yourself in them. The two of you silently stand under the other's gaze. You feel as if you're floating. His cheeks have turned a little red. His eyes trail down to your lips and he moves his tongue across his own.


The loud blaring of a car horn snaps you out of this odd trance. This man is going to hurt you if you don't do something now. In a quick motion, you thrust your knee into his crotch. His face contorts into utter pain, turning from red to blue. He crumbles to the ground gasping. "Damn you..."

You turn to run when a hand clamps around your ankle. Turning, you see it's the man's, and he's not giving up. He yanks you down and you fall to the concrete, landing hard on your forearms. Pain shoots up your arms as he crawls toward you, holding his crotch with one hand while cringing. "You had to go and make things worse for yourself-"

"Stop right there, Torchwick!"

Both of you turn your attention to the end of the alleyway. Three men wearing navy blue uniforms run in your direction.

The man sighs and reluctantly lets go of your ankle, jumping up and quickly fleeing the scene. "Until we meet again, little brat."

"Hey!" A police officer shouts, and they all pull out their pistols.

Your eyes widen. You had to get out of here, too. They were bound to ask questions and find out who you were. In a flash you pick up your bike and jump on it, pedaling as hard as you can while manouvering around padestrians and traffic. You don't stop or look back until you arrive at the abandoned house. You breathe heavily, jumping off the bike and nearly falling. With wobbly legs you push and lower it into the tall grass.

-Time skip-

It was a long walk back to Beacon with your jelly legs from biking too hard, and constantly looking over your shoulder. By the time you entered your dorm room it was dark. Team JNPR are sitting on their beds when you open the door. They all lower what they're doing with serious faces.

"Where were you?" Pyrrha boldly begins.

You swallow. "I went shopping."

Ren raises an eyebrow. "But you brought nothing back with you."

"And it's ten at night!" Jaune adds.

"Look, I lost my wallet at one of the stores so I had to go looking for it." Nice lie.

"Maybe someone stole it!" Nora thinks aloud.

You pull the small black wallet out of your pocket and hold it up for them to see. "I found it."

"Well." Jaune crosses his arms. "It couldn't have taken all that time to find a wallet."

"You're right." Think Y/n, think. "After that I visited the public library."

"You read?" Pyrrha stares at you quizzically.

You shrug. "I was mostly there to look at the architecture."

"And then?" Jaune pushes on.

"Okay, why are you all questioning me all of a sudden? I didn't do anything wrong, so piss off."

Hurt and guilty expressions cross their faces.

Pyrrha sighs, she looks you in the eyes sincerely. "We're sorry, Y/n. You just had us worried. You left without telling us and then showed up past curfew."

"Sorry, I forgot. I'll tell you next time."

You had the last word. After that, everyone put their books away and climbed under their covers since they were already dressed for bed.

Lying all the time makes your stomach feel uneasy. You wish you didn't have to do it, but it's for your own good.

Getting ready for bed, your encounter with the man plays through your head like a movie. You blush as you remember him being so close to you. His lips, and then his eyes, the thing you're drawn to look at the most.

You hear the officer's voice shout his name.

So that's who he is. Torchwick. He's a criminal, too.

You snuggle under the warmth of your blanket and muffle a laugh into your pillow. So the night you first layed eyes on him. When you stole his car full of dust. He wasn't working for the Schnee dust company delivering dust, he had just finished stealing it. Then you stole from him. What a hilarious turn of events.

You wanted to see him again. But at the same time you didn't. This was ridiculous. Why were you so confused by your own feelings? Why did you have feelings to begin with for someone you didn't even know. Someone who is more than willing to hurt you?

Roman Torchwick x Reader: When The Sky Turns DarkWhere stories live. Discover now