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It was a long day. From moving dust filled boxes onto planes and trucks, to moving them off and into a giant storage room. There was a lot of it. Everyone was tired.

In a dimly lit large room with many couches and tables, including ping pong tables and televisions, all workers rest and eat their dinners after a day of hard work. You stretch your arms in the air above your head, yawning wide. Sitting at a circular table at the back of the room with a cup of instant ramen, you notice Reynold staring again from the seat next to you.

"Why do you keep doing that?" You cross your arms.

Reynold quickly locks his green eyes onto his plastic spoon. "What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb. Why is it that I always find you staring at me?"

The brown haired boy bites his bottom lip while he flushes red. He does that a lot. Wearing an unsure smile on his face, he locks eyes with you again. "Well I..." He glances at the other members of your table, who watch silently with interest. "Can we talk somewhere else?"

Standing up out of your seat, the boy does the same, leading you away from the lounge and into the hall.

Reynold looks around before nervously locking eyes with you again, the blush still on his face.

"I..." He hesitates before shutting his eyes, "I think you're really pretty!"


Your cheeks suddenly start to feel warm. Was he confessing to you? But you just met each other hours ago!

Coincidentally, Roman enters the hall from a room right behind you. A look of displeasure on his face. He crosses his arms, one eyebrow arched. "What was that?" He says cooly.

Reynold steps back. "S-sir!" He blushes a deeper shade of pink. "Did you hear me?"

Roman glares at the nervous boy. "How can I not when you shout it like that?"

"Oh..." Reynold daringly takes your hand in his and starts pulling you away. "S-sorry sir, we'll leave now-"

Roman grabs the boy's wrist and with brute force yanks his hand away from yours.

"S-sir?" Reynold's eyes are wide.

"Don't touch her..." Roman squeezes his wrist harder.

The boy winces in pain. "Ah... Yes sir!"

Releasing his arm, the boy walks away in a hurry.

Roman turns to you with a look of anger, but eyes full of sadness. "Hitting on other men?"

You sigh, shaking your head. "No Roman, I would never."

"Then what was that?"

"I didn't do anything, he said he wanted to talk to me in private so I did, then this happened."

Roman places a hand over his face. "Y/n, this place is filled with men. Next time, do me a favor and not go anywhere with anyone, alone."

"Alright, sorry." You turn to walk away when suddenly a firm hand attaches itself to yours, fingers intertwining with your fingers.

You're spun around and pulled into a warm embrace. The two of you stand silently holding one another.

"Let's get out of here." You suggest. "And get some fresh air."

"I've had enough of this place for one day. Let alone a couple of months." Roman lowers his arms, stepping back. "Where do you want to go?"

"Anywhere, I suppose."

"Well we could if I still had my car, which someone decided to steal from me."

Roman Torchwick x Reader: When The Sky Turns DarkWhere stories live. Discover now