Morning intrusion

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Golden sunshine beams in your eyes, causing them to flutter open. Your sight is filled with Roman's sleeping face. He breathes lightly with his mouth hung open and drool running off his chin. Blushing, you realize his leg is placed between yours with an arm lingering across your side.

Should you move? Or wait?

You decide to go with the second option, staring at this rare and vulnerable sight. Never did you imagine you would be so intrigued by a man's sleeping face.

Gently, you lift your hand to his cheek, feeling his warm and soft skin. You allow it to linger before moving to run your fingers through his orange strands of hair, brushing stray ones out of his face and tucking them behind his ear.

Roman groans softly, opening his emerald eyes and slowly blinking several times. When his eyes meet yours, he smiles warmly. "Y/n."

Smiling back at him, you continue to run your fingers through his hair. "Morning, Roman."

His cheeks slowly turn pink as he removes his leg from your crotch, groggily wiping the drule off his face with the back of his hand. He props himself on his elbows, moving to sit up when he stops abruptly, eyes widening. He lowers himself again blushing a deeper shade of pink.

"What's wrong?" You curiously ask.

Roman avoids eye contact, eyes wandering, not knowing a place to focus on. "Nothing."

You stare at him dumbfounded for some moments before a light bulb goes off in your head. Your eyes trail down to his crotch, which he covers with his hand under the blanket.

Oh. Should you help him take care of it?

The moment that thought passes through your mind you blush madly, shaking your head.

What are you even thinking?

Sighing, you climb out of bed. It's too early for this shit.

"Uh..." You point to the door, "I'll be... Places."

As soon as the words escape your mouth, the door to the room swings open, revealing three unmasked White Fang members. Your eyes bulge.

Roman's mouth twitches in irritation. "Doesn't anyone here knock?"

"Sir," A fox man yawns, waving his hand infront of his mouth. "We were ordered to transport the dust to the main base."

"Okay." Roman says with spite, "Why are you telling me this now?"

Another man crosses his arms with a scowl. "Because we were ordered to do so, now."

"So get your lazy butt out of bed, old man." The same grey haired boy from last night steps infront of the other men with a dangerous smirk.

When Roman doesn't move, the boy raises an eyebrow. "Well? Get up already."

"Why don't you get out, Mercury." Roman scowls. "How about I tell you at seven every morning to get your ass out of bed, huh?"

The boy, Mercury, shakes his head and sighs. "That would be weird. And creepy."

This stupid shit so early in the morning was pissing you off. You were definitely not a morning person.

"I have an idea," You grumble, staring daggers at Mercury. "Instead of living in the eighteenth century, why don't you get alarm clocks, you dumb ass."

Mercury loses his confident smirk and frowns, an embarrassed blush creeping on his face. "Who are you again? Oh yeah, the prostitute."

You shake your head. "Just shut up already, smart ass. You did your job. You woke him up, now get out."

Roman Torchwick x Reader: When The Sky Turns DarkWhere stories live. Discover now