I become nothing

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Ozpin looks everywhere, moving to each edge of the building to look down. While watching him you debate with yourself wether you should run away before your time runs out, or appear infront of him. There's really no point in running if you're going to see him again anyway. Swallowing back your fear and taking a deep breath, you reestablish your presence. Doing so causes Ozpin to whip his head to face you. He cocks an eyebrow in surprise. "Y/n?"

You sigh, no longer anxious or angry, just tired. "Yes."

He struts up to you composed with his actions. "Were you standing there this entire time?"


"So you became invisible? In the middle of our conversation?"

You nod.

"I see..."

He brings his hand up to his chin, studying you. "Is invisibility your semblance?"

You feel glad that Ozpin isn't focused on prying into your life anymore. Still, you don't feel like revealing anything about yourself, including your semblance. "Sort of..."

"What do you mean?" He urges, interested.

"I can erase my entire presence. Not just someone's ability to see me, but to smell me, hear me, or feel me aswell."

He continues to look at you with a mature expression. He may not show this on his face, but his eyes shine with such intrigue.

"If you activated your semblance to flee from me, why did you reveal yourself?"

You swallow. "Well... I didn't mean to activate it..."

"You did it unwillingly," He contemplates aloud, "Because you were frightened?"


Ozpin sighs, taking another sip from his coffee. "I am sorry y/n, for making you feel cornered-" He suddenly stops in mid speech when the clouds start to glow a moody pink on the horizon. "That time already..."

He clears his throat. "Y/n, it's about time you and I get some sleep, with the amount of time we have left... I only wish to speak with you again soon."

You nod, silently dreading when that moment had to arrive.

With that, you both enter the building and wordlessly walk down the flight of stairs. Ozpin continues walking down them while you enter the hallway your room belongs in. You return to standing in front of your door, turning the nob and pushing it open slowly. To your relief everyone is still in their beds where you left them, sleeping soundly. You take this opportunity to quietly close the door behind you and collapse into your own bed on the floor. The moment your head hits the pillow you instantly fall asleep.

(Time skip)

It's too soon when you're abruptly awakened by Nora singing. "Gooodmorrrning~"

Jaune kneels beside you in his plaid pajama pants and blue shirt, tapping you on the shoulder. "Hey, y/n, it's time to-"

"Wakey, wakey!" Nora shouts, diving onto Ren's bed from her own. She lands on him and he suddenly sits up with a pained expression on his face. He must have gotten the air knocked out of him.

"Yeah. I know." You mummble annoyed. Jaune stands up Awkwardly when Pyrrha joins his side, looking down at you with concern.

"How are you feeling?"

"Fine." Is all you can muster to say. Truth was you felt like complete shit from staying up half of the night. With Ozpin wringing stressful memories and emotions out of you like a wet towel, you don't feel like leaving this room, or even getting out of bed.

The team does their usual morning routine. They each take turns using the bathroom, then they make their beds and collect their things for the day. You watch this all as it happens, still sitting on your mattress. Eventually everyone is ready to head down to the cafeteria to eat breakfast. And like every morning pyrrha asks, "Would you like to join us?" Before they leave. In reply you answer with a no thanks. They each file out of the room until you're the only one left inside. This is when you start your morning routine. Brushing teeth, washing face, brushing hair, and shoving the mattress with all the blankets on top, under Jaune's bed. With that finished, you leave your dorm room and the dorm building all together, making your way to the cafeteria. When you enter the building, the whole room is filled with everyone sitting at tables with their groups. You spot team JNPR eating their breakfast by the window like always. Maybe you will sit with them today.

You manouver between tables to get to the serving area. While you pass by each group people start to snicker, some even laugh at you. You're confused as to what's so funny, but you ignore them and join thr line up. A lunch lady piles orange juice, a yogurt, an egg sandwich, and an apple onto your tray. You then head to your roomate's table and take a seat beside Ren and across from Pyrrha without waiting for them to greet you.

Jaune is in mid conversation and is the only one who doesn't seem to notice you've sat down.

"-So then I just..." He turns his head to look down the table and jumps when he sees you, hitting his knees off the bottom of the table before sitting back down. Nora laughs while Jaune starts to blush, rubbing the back of his neck. "I didn't notice you there, y/n..."

"Sorry..." You say, embarrassed for him.

That's when you notice all of team JNPR has stopped eating to stare at you.

"What is it?" You ask, wondering if there was something on your face.

Nora smiles and points, "You must really like pajamas."

Why would she say that?

Pyrrha smiles apologetically. "You forgot to get changed."

You look down to discover you're still wearing your purple tank top and black bunny shorts. Your face heats up in embarrassment. Not only did you just walts infront of the entire school wearing this, you had also worn this infront of Professor Ozpin last night. You slam your head into the table before jumping out of your seat and running all the way back to your dorm room. Angerly, you slam the door shut behind you and dive into the nearest bed.

"Fuck today!" You shout into the pillow, crawling under the blankets and closing your eyes.

Roman Torchwick x Reader: When The Sky Turns DarkWhere stories live. Discover now