Can see it in your eyes

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You stare at the seat wordlessly. Would you be able to get out of this one?

Ozpin eyes you from across the room, leaning slightly forward to place his elbows on the desk, lazily resting his chin on his folded hands. He raises his eyebrow at you and smiles encouragingly.

Looks like you have no choice. Stiffly walking over to the chair, you Hesitantly take a seat.

"Good, now let's begin with a few questions." He sais this softly. You know he's trying his best to not be intimidating. Although you can see right through this. He only wants you to trust him so you'll tell him the things you've never told anyone.

Ozpin stares deeply into your eyes, as if looking hard enough will enable him to read your mind. "Last night, when you hugged me, you referred to me as your father. Going on to say that if I left, I would die? What's this about?"

You swallow a huge sum of saliva. "I told you already, it was just a dream. I was delusional."

It's not like you're lying. Yet.

The man closes his eyes. Out of irritation? "That much is obvious." He opens them to gaze at you again. "Does this have any connection to something that has actually occurred in your life?"


You didn't think it was possible for him to stare any harder than he already was, without coming off as creepy or threatening. But he is. Who is this man?

He leans a little bit closer to you. "Something is causing you to suffer a trauma. I can see it in your eyes."

Looks like all you can do is tell him the truth. While leaving a few things out.

Sighing, you mentally prepare yourself while unknowingly beginning to twiddle your thumbs.

"I was dreaming of the night my father died."

Ozpin's eyes flicker for just a moment before resuming his mild expression. He stays silent so you can continue speaking.

"He died of a heart attack." He was murdered.
"I woke up from a bad dream and went to go see him." It wasn't a bad dream at all, it was real.
"He was lying in his bed. He wasn't breathing."


"If you don't mind me asking, how long ago was this?"

What a stupid question, if you don't mind me asking, I mind everything you're asking right now.

Suppressing the sudden rage within yourself you answer. "A year ago." Two months ago.

Professor Ozpin leans back in his chair, sensing your anger. "And why do you choose to attend this academy?"

"I've always wanted to become a huntress." You wanted to be a detective like your dad.
"I want to serve my kingdom and protect its people."
This was the only place you could go where you could blend into the school life and not be found, while also being constantly surrounded by trained fighters.

"And then you got into that car accident and had to recover in the hospital, that's why you were late arriving here." He recites what you lied to him about when you pretended to be your mom in that email you sent him.

You nod.

"Y/n, I don't understand why it was so difficult for you to tell me this. If you're feeling stressed about your father's passing, there are councelors you can speak with. Or myself."

"Thanks for the offer, but I'm fine." You stand up from the chair.

"You skipped school today, Y/n." The professor adjusts his odd glasses with a bony finger.

"I was tired so I slept."

He glances up at you with a smile on his lips. "There are times when in the midst of a mission one cannot sleep. Think of school as a mission aswell, Y/n."

Stepping around the chair, you head over to the elevator, eager to leave. You don't care if he didn't dismiss you. You don't want to remain another second in this room.

You press the button for it to rise to the top floor. It glows a warm white while you wait, being watched idly by Ozpin still seated at his desk.

"Y/n, have you heard of a criminal that goes by the name Karma?"

You flinch. Slowly turning to face Ozpin with your best poker face. "I don't pay much attention to the news."

He stands up out of his chair and your heart beat quickens as he walks over to you. He pulls out his scroll from his pocket and searches up images, showing them to you.

They're pictures of dust shops that have been completely terrorized, trashed. Shelves tipped over, glass smashed to pieces, and the word karma spray painted in bloody red on the wall. The way the word looked was edgy and alarming. Barely any dust was left after each raid.

"This is Karma's doing." He explaines. "I wanted to inform you of this so you can be aware and venture outside the school with caution."

He brings his hand to his chin. "Strange how you're the only one who doesn't seem to know about it. I don't suppose you know about Torchwick's robbings either?"

You shake your head, truly not knowing who this new name was.

You can hear the elevator doors open behind you. Stepping back into it, you say goodbye before selecting the button for the first floor.

"Good night, Y/n, and remember, if you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm always here."

The doors slide closed and you release the breath that you've been holding. That was a close call.

A sly smirk crawls to your lips. You remember trashing those dust shops. Taking all the dust and throwing it into a lake hidden in the woods. Your favouite part is always after you've completed your work of art, marking it with your signature, Karma.

To say to the head of the Schnee Dust Company, Karma's a bitch.

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