We could use someone like you

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His kisses get stronger and deeper, causing your legs to wobble with weakness. You lean against him for support while he moves his strong arms behind your back. Breaking apart, the two of you take a deep breath before diving onto eachother's mouths once again. One of Roman's hands begin to creep lower down your back. You grab it just before it reaches your bum, breaking away from his lips.

"Sorry. I forgot to mention something," You breathe, "I want to take things slow."

Roman cocks an eyebrow, giving you a look of confusion. "We're just kissing. What is this, kindergarten?"

"It's not the kissing that I meant... It's sex." A blush creeps on your face. "I don't want our relationship to just be about doing stuff like that."

Roman frowns. "I wasn't going to do anything to you. Not here, anyway."

"But your hand..."

Roman's frown deepens to a scowl. "You don't want me groping you, either?"

The way he just comes out and says it makes your cheeks burn hotter. "I have nothing against you," You wave your hands frantically, not wanting to cause a misunderstanding. "It's just that, if you touch me... I might get too caught up in the moment, you know. I'll be the one getting carried away..."

Roman stares plainly while you feel like your face is on fire from what you've just said.

He shrugs. "Okay."

"You're alright with this?"

"I can still kiss you, right? Or can we only hold hands?"

You frown at him, unimpressed. "What do you think?"

The corners of his lips turn up into a smirk. He takes your hands in his, pulling you into his warm body. With two fingers placed under your chin, he tilts your face up to his own, placing his lips gently over yours.

A door loudly creaks open and slams against a wall, causing you both to separate your mouths.

A man with brown eyes and golden hair saunters into the room. When his eyes land on the two of you in an intimate embrace, he freezes in place, mouth gaping open.

"Luke," Roman angerly begins, "what did I tell you about entering without knocking?"

Luke scratches the back of his neck, dumbly staring at the ceiling. "You didn't tell me anything of the sort."

"Well." Roman moves away from you, gripping his cane tightly. "That's because it's common sense, you goon!" He points his cane at the boy who crouches down to the floor, burying his head in his shaky hands.

"Now, now Roman." A beautiful woman with dark hair and a red dress enters the room joined by a young man wearing grey and a girl with light green hair.

The woman stands proudly with her arms crossed. "Did we interrupt something?"

Roman sighs, loosening the grip on his cane. "Cinder, why are you here?"

She takes slow steps, speaking with a cold demeanor. "I heard from a little dog that you weren't doing your job. Is that true, Roman?"

Roman scowls. "What if that little dog failed to mention all of the overtime I've been doing without any breaks. ever."

Cinder reaches Roman, placing a gentle hand on his cheek. You ball your fists, feeling a sudden urge to throw one at her.

"Oh, Roman. Who said work was easy?"

He moves his face away from her hand, glancing at you with the corner of his eye. She follows his line of sight until her eyes land on you.

A small, evil smile forms on her lips. "Who is this?"

"A prostitute?" The grey haired boy jokes. The green haired girl giggles.


Cinder wears an unsatisfied look on her face. "Silence."

The two jokers quickly wipe the smirks off their faces.

"She's a new member of the White Fang." Torchwick lies.

Cinder saunters up to you. "Is she now..." She walks around you in a circle, inspecting you from head to toe. "Your name?"


"What's your semblance?"

You lock eyes with her. "Invisibility." Saying that is easier than explaining it.

A small smile spreads her lips. "Interesting... We could use someone like you."

She turns her back on you, walking to the door followed by her two companions, turning slightly to glance at Roman.

"Behave now, Roman. I'll be back to check on you soon."

Cinder steps out of the room, leaving the boy, Luke, still cowering by the map.

Roman narrows his eyes at him. "Oh, get out of here already!"

The boy quickly leaps up, dashing out of the room and slamming the door behind himself.


Roman places a hand over his face, sighing once more. "Now you've been dragged into this mess like the rest of us."

Shrugging, you move past him to stand infront of the map. "Works for me. It's not like I haven't already been doing this sort of thing, anyway. Besides, now I can stay here with you."

Roman removes his hand from his face, moving to stand beside you with his hands on his hips. "You were going to do that from the start, Y/n."

"So," You pace around the room, "Who was she? Your boss?"

"Bingo." He yawns, wearily walking to the bed and sitting down on the edge. "Did you really have to ask?"

"How long have you been doing this? Stealing dust?"

He leans foward to untie his shoes. "A couple of months now. Feels like years." He leans back, kicking off his shoes. They fly randomly at the window. "Believe it or not, stealing dust is a lot harder than you think. Especially when you don't even know where it's going or what it's being used for."

"What! You don't even know? Then why are you still working so hard?"

Roman takes off his hat and gently places it on the floor beside the bed, dropping his cane next to it. "Because," He crawls under the covers, "The only way to survive in this world is to be one of the few at the top."

You stand at the foot of the bed, staring at him. "You mean kissing the higher-ups' ass?"

He narrows his eyes at you. "It's too late for this crap, Y/n." He yawns again.

"Understandable." You shrug.

He closes his eyes, leaning his head back against a poofy white pillow. Standing in place, you stare awkwardly at his relaxed figure. You had a long day, too. So badly did you want to lye down and fall asleep. But where would you sleep? With him? You've never shared a bed with a man before...

Roman opens his eyes, sitting up in bed and patting the place beside him with his hand. "What are you doing, Y/n?"


He places a tired hand atop his head. "Are you going to join me or not?"


"Then turn off the light and get over here already so I can go to sleep."

"Aren't you grouchy when you're tired..." You mummble, flipping off the light switch and climbing into the other side of the bed.

In the dark, Roman lays back down. "Why are you so far away? Come closer."

Cautiously, you crawl closer to him just like he wanted.

"Closer." He commands with annoyance in his voice.

You move right next to him this time, your heart pounding in your chest. He lowers his warm arm around you.



After countless minutes of anxious waiting, Roman's soft even breaths calm your racing heart. Eventually, you find your eyes feeling heavy. Before you realize it, you've joined him in gentle slumber.

Roman Torchwick x Reader: When The Sky Turns DarkWhere stories live. Discover now