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"Hey Ariel" I said placing my car keys on the counter and joined her at the dining room table.

"Hey Mel where did you go?" She asked as she did her nails.

"I dropped off Isabella at school" I said.

"We should do something today" Ariel said.

"We should but I need to rest besides I have to clean up this house and do the laundry" I said.

"Melissa you need to have some fun today" Ariel was not lying.

I don't remember the last time I had some fun.

Ever since I had Isabella i've been in mom mode.

"How about we go shopping today?" Ariel suggested.

"I appreciate the gesture but i'm a mom now, I have some responsibilities I need to take care of" I said getting up and heading to my room.

"I will but you a crepe after!" Ariel said as I stopped in my place and turned around.

Ariel knows Crepes are my weakness.

"I'm in" I immediately said.

"Okay and I was thinking of inviting my new boyfriend and his friend" Ariel mentioned.

"Oh is this the time I meet the boy you've been talking about non stop" I said to her as she started to blush.

"Okay stop talking, go get changed and I'll meet you in the car" She said as I nodded.

I took off my mom clothes and changed into some clothes that made me comfortable.

I met Ariel outside as she was jamming out in the car to Justin Bieber.

"Where are we going?" I asked her.

"We are going to pick up my boyfriend and his friend" Ariel said paying attention to the road.

I just nodded and looked out the window.

Minutes later we pulled up at this apartment building.

Ariel texted someone and we later saw two men walking out.

"Time to introduce them to you" Ariel said getting out the car.

I also got out the car to join them.

Ariel went up to this tall guy and hugged him so I assume that was the boyfriend.

His friend was shorter than him and just stood there like he was going to throw up.

"Okay guys this is my friend Melissa" Ariel said as I said hi to them.

"Hey Melissa" they both said.

"Melissa this is my boyfriend Auston and his friend Mitch" Ariel introduced me to the boys.

"Hi nice to meet you" I shake their hands.

"I swear i've seen you guys before" I said to them.

"Yeah they play for the Toronto Maple Leafs" Ariel mentions.

"Oh cool" I said.

"Wow I think this is the first time someone hasn't recognized us in this city" Mitch said.

"Yeah I don't really watch hockey, I'm too busy with my daughter" I said as both of them looked at me a little shocked.

"Daughter?" Auston repeated what I said.

"You look young" Mitch says.

"Yeah i'm twenty one, I had her when I was 15" I said.

"And you're raising her by yourself?" They asked as I nodded my head.

"Yeah but Ariel helped me a lot" I said smiling at Ariel.

"Well we should go now before Melissa starts worrying about her daughter" Ariel said as we headed to the car.

"Hey you still owe me a crepe!" I said.

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