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"Engaged?" I said as she showed us her engagement ring.

Please don't tell me my dream is going to come true.

"Well i'm happy for you guys" Ariel congratulated them.

"Thanks!" Hailey excitedly said.

"Mommy who are they?" Isabella tugged on my outfit.

I can see the faces of Auston, Ariel, Mitch, Hailey and William, especially William.

William was confused on who this kid is.

"Well you silly goose i'm auntie Hailey" Hailey kneels down so she is at the same height as her.

"And that over there is uncle William."

I nearly cringed at the word "uncle William."

"Hey kiddo" William said to Isabella with the same confused look on his face.

"Auston and Ariel can I talk to you guys for a second?" William asked.

"Sure" Auston answered for the both of them as he took Ariel's hand and walked over to the corner.

I wonder what they are talking about??


Where did that little girl come from?

Last time I checked Melissa didn't have a kid.

"Okay what do you want to talk about?" Ariel asked.

"Is that Melissa's kid?" I asked them.

"Well no duh" Auston said stating the obvious.

"How old is she?" I was determined to find out the answer.

"Why are you so curious?" Now it was Ariel's turn to ask me questions.

"Because last time I remember Melissa didn't have a kid" I said.

"I told Melissa that I wouldn't tell you anything about your daughter" Ariel said before quickly covering her mouth.

"My daughter?" I repeated what I just heard.

"Is this true?" I asked Auston who just stood there with a serious face.

"IS THIS TRUE!" I raised my voice.

"Yeah" Ariel mumbled.

"But you cannot tell Melissa that I told you" Ariel begged.

"Only if you tell me how old she is."

"She's 6 years old" She tells me.

Melissa and I were together 6 years ago.

I turned around and took another look at her.

She does look like me.

I looked back at Ariel and Auston.

"She really is mine right?" I said as they both nodded.

I didn't say a word and walked back to them.

"Hey Hailey we have to go" I told her.

"Okay well bye you guys" Hailey says as we walked out the door.

I looked through the window and mouthed to Auston and Ariel "Call me."

I'm still trying to process all the information I just received.

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