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"Mel Auston invited us to a Leafs game tonight want to come?" Ariel asked.

"Sure I have nothing else planned tonight" I said.

"Cool so he left jerseys for you and Isabella" Ariel threw them to me.

"We leave in 20 minutes" Ariel says.

Auston gave Isabella and I a custom made jersey with STEWART written on the back with the number 17 on the back.

I remember the last hockey game I went too.

It was William's last game in Calgary.

It was a memorable game considering he broke up with me at the end.


"Yay they won!!" I said to Alex.

"Yeah I can believe he got a hat trick!" Alex said as we watched William skate around the ice holding his stick up as the crowd roared with cheers.

I've noticed that the family was acting a little strange today.

Usually Stephanie and Daniella would come up to me and ask to play a game with them but they didn't.

Jacquline would usually talk to me about boy drama.

And Alex would go on about how he's better than William.

Today felt different.

It's like they were hiding something from me.

To be honest I was also hiding something.

Today I found out I was pregnant.

I took ten tests to make sure and it was indeed true.

All the tests were positive.

My worst nightmare at 16.

Having a baby.

I have no idea what William will say when I tell him.

"Let's go Mel" Alex nudges me.

I grabbed my things and headed down to the locker room.

We waited for William to exit.

"Um Melissa I think that we are going home, Stephanie is not feeling so good" Camilla said to me.

"Okay bye" I said hugging her.

Hugging them even felt odd.

It's like they were saying bye to me for the last time.

Alex came up to me and gave me that same kind of hug.

Daniella came up to me and hugged me.

"I will miss you" she whispered leaving me confused.

"Daniella don't worry i'll see you guys tomorrow" I said to her.

I said goodbye to the rest of the family.

William walks out and kinda looks sad.

"Hey good job it there babe!" I said as I gave him a hug.

William didn't hug me back.

"Will is everything okay?" I asked him.

"Mel I have to tell you something" William nervously says.

"Willy you can tell me what it is".

"I don't know how to say this..".

"William you're scaring me" I said.

"Melissa I think that we should break up" he said leaving me speechless.

"Yo-you- you're breaking up wi-with me?" I hope he's just joking with me.

"I just feel like we should see other people" he tries to make an explanation.

"So you're throwing away a 2 year relationship just to meet other girls?" I said.

"You don't understand" he says.

"I think I do understand" I said.

"Not only are you throwing away our relationship but also years of friendship. William all I care about is for you to be happy and if this decision makes you happy then fine" I grabbed the necklace I was wearing and took it off.

William got me this necklace on our 2 year anniversary.

It was my initials in a heart.

I placed it in his plan and closed his hands.

"Goodbye William" I said with tear falling from both of my cheeks.

William didn't say anything but he just stood there as the tears trickle down his cheek.

I kissed him on the cheek before turning around and leaving.

End of flashback


I turn around to see Isabella staring at me.

"Why are you crying?" She asked innocently.

"It's nothing" I said wiping the tears off my face.

Isabella comes closer and gives me a hug.

"I love you mommy" she said as I just smiled at her and gave her the biggest hug back.

I'm truly lucky to have Isabella as a daughter.

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