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(You can play the song while you are reading this if you like)

Soon enough mine and Ariel's apartment was packed with everyone on the team and the wags.

Luckily William and his girlfriend were not here yet.

"Hey Melissa!!" Ariel drunkly says to me.

"Ariel how much did you drink?" I asked her.

"Just 4 or 5 cups" she says as she stumbles forward.

"Woah where's your boyfriend to take care of you?" I luckily catch her.

"He's over there with Mitch" she says eventually passing out on me.

"Okay let's get you to bed" I carry her to her bedroom.

I place her down and tuck her in.

I walk out and try to find Auston.

I finally found him with Mitch drinking and laughing.

"Auston" I walk up to them.

"Hey Mel want a drink?" He offered at I kindly declined.

"Auston your girlfriend kinda passed out" I said to him but he couldn't hear me clearly.

"Come closer I can't hear a word you are saying" he said as I did.

"Ariel passed out and is now in her room" I whispered in his ear.

"Okay thanks" he whispered back in my ear.

"Woah Auston are you with another girl that isn't Ariel" a voice said coming from behind us.

I look at Mitch to see him mouth "William and his girlfriend" to me.

I look at Auston who just whispered to me to calm down.

"Hey William and Hailey!" Auston turned around to greet them.

I just stood there frozen not knowing what to do.

"Mitch" I nudged him.

"You'll be fine" he said to me before greeting the couple behind me.

"And who is this girl?" Hailey asks.

Should I turn around or is that too risky??

I was about to turn around until someone decided to stand on the table and make an announcement.

"Okay guys time for the slow dances!!" A drunk Morgan said.

"Babe let's dance" I hear Hailey say before taking William to the dance floor.

Soon enough everyone was slow dancing except for Auston, Mitch and I.

Sorry by Halsey starts to play as the lights dim down.

The song is put on full blast.

The thing that sucked is that I had a clear view of William and Hailey dancing since they were right in front of us.

This made me remember when William danced with me at our school dance in high school.


"Isn't this nice for our first dance!" Ariel said as we take a sip of our punch.

We were exhausted because we just danced for 20 minutes straight non stop.

This was our first dance at our high school.

We were the youngest here compared to all the other kids our age since they were all massive.

As Ariel and I chatted for a bit a slow song started to play.

"You should dance with William" Ariel nudged me.

"Why? You know that he has a date to this dance that isn't me" I said.

"Well i'm gonna go and see if Liam was to dance with me" Ariel says as she walks away trying to find him.

I am left alone by the punch table.

Everyone was dancing except me.

I then feel a tap on my shoulder.

I turn around to see William with the biggest smile on his face.

"Hey Willy aren't you suppose to be dancing with Carol right now?" I asked the blonde boy in front of me.

"Yeah but I felt bad that you didn't have a date" He said.

William always cared for you, that was the kind of friend he was.

"William go dance I don't want to ruin your fun" I said to him.

"Yeah I want to dance but I have to do something first" he said offering his hand.

"Want to dance with me?".

How could I say no to William.

"Of course I will" I took his hand as he lead me to the dance floor.

He placed his hands on my waist as I put mine around his neck.

He pulled me into him.

I could smell the cologne he was wearing.

I had a confession to say to William.

I've had this massive crush on him for years now.

I like him too much but I know for a fact that he thinks of me as his best friend only.

I should stop thinking of the negative and instead think about the positive.

You are dancing with your best friend on one the biggest nights of your life so far.

End of flashback

"Hey Melissa are you okay?" Mitch asks me.

I haven't realized I was crying.

"Um yeah" I said wiping the tears.

"Clearly not" he said wiping the tears for me with his thumb.

"Now tell me what's up?" He says as I just look at William and Hailey.

Mitch looks at what i'm looking at and instantly understands.

"It's going to be okay" Mitch comforts me.

"Them dancing just reminds me of how William and I slow danced back in high school" I explained to him.

"If it helps you I haven't danced with a girl ever since I got dumped by one on prom night" he says as a smile appears on my face.

How does Mitch know how to make me smile?

I love Halsey so much so why not add one of her songs into this book

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