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"Why Did William just mouth out "call me" to you guys?" I asked the couple that looked at me like they did something guilty.

"N-Nothing" Auston said.

I looked at Ariel, I know when she is lying.

She would twirl her hair and start to whistle.

Ariel did exactly what she does when she lies.

"Ariel tell me" I looked at her straight in the eye.

"I'm sorry I can't" She said.

"Fine but you better tell me later" I told her as she nodded her head while biting her lip.

"I got my crepe!" Mitch comes over to us hold his crepe taking a bite.

"Thanks bud" Auston grabs the crepe out of Mitch's hand and takes a bite.

"Delicious" Auston smiles as he messes Mitch's hair and walks out laughing.

"Asshole" Mitch mumbled as he followed Auston out the door.

"Mommy can you finish my crepe? I'm full" Isabella said.

"Okay" I told her taking the crepe out of her small hands.

"Auntie Ariel let's go!" She says to Ariel who still looks guilty from earlier.

"Okay" Ariel picks her up and runs out the door.

I smile at how childish my friends are.

I looked and saw a dollar on the ground.

"My lucky day" I said to myself picking it up.

I continued walking and I guess I didn't see where I was going considering I bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry" I said as I help the person up.

I recognized the person's face.

"Alex?" I looked at him as he lifted up his sunglasses and took a closer look at me.

"Melissa?" He looked at little shocked to see me here.

"Hey how are you?" I gave him a hug.

"Good how about you?" He asked back.

"Doing great! Dang last time I saw you you were the same height as me" I was amazed at how he much he grew since the last time I saw him.

"Yeah all that working out and eating the right foods payed off" Alex said as he started to flex.

"Alex stop!" I playfully pushed him.

"Hey you should come over and we can catch up" I offered him.

"Sure but first I have to get a crepe" he said.

"I thought you said you eat the right foods?" I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Today's a cheat day" he gave me a wink as he went up to the counter and ordered.

He came back moments later with his crepe.

We walked out and met up with the others.

"What took you so long?" Ariel asked.

"I bumped into som-"

"Alex!" Mitch and Auston both said giving him a bro hug.

"Hey guys what's up?!" Alex asked as the three get into a conversation.

"So you bumped into William's brother?" Ariel said.

"Yeah and I kinda invited him over" I said knowing what she was going to say next.

"Melissa!" Ariel slapped me lightly on my arm.

"Well i'm a nice person" I said taking my seat in the car.

"You're too nice of a person" Ariel said as I just looked at her.

"And what is that suppose to mean?" I ask her as I buckle Isabella's seatbelt.

"I'm going to teach you how to be a bad girl" Ariel tells me.

"You're crazy" I said to her as she sits next to me.

"Come one Mel this is your chance to show William that you aren't all a nice girl" Ariel does have a good point.

"Fine but nothing risky" I told her as she just smirks.

"We'll see" she looks like she is plotting something bad.

Mitch, Auston and Alex get into the car.

Alex looks confused when he sees Isabella there.

"It's complicated" I said to him.

"What's complicated about it?? You got pregnant to a guy that happens to be his brother" Mitch says as I slap in the arm.

"Wait that's William's?" Alex pointed at Isabella as I nodded.

"I'm an uncle?!" He was getting excited.

"Yeah you are but don't tell anyone" I told him.

"I'M AN UNCLE!" He yells out as I just smile at how childish he is acting.

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