Twenty One

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"Hey Hailey what are you doing?? It's 3 in the morning?" I asked Hailey as she stood at my door.

"I need to talk to you quickly" Hailey says as I agree to let her in.

"Melissa who's that?" Ariel asked grumpily.

"I need to talk to the both of you" Hailey says as Ariel and I sit down.

"I don't know if I can do this" Hailey quickly gets to the point.

"What do you mean?" I rub my eyes as I try to stay awake.

"I mean I don't think i'm making the right decision by marrying William" Hailey says as Ariel and I just look at each other "I mean I feel like we're rushing into this and the wedding is in a couple of days, I don't think I can do this" Hailey continues.

"Hailey take a seat" Ariel says as a frantic Hailey follows what she is told to do.

"Hailey do you love William?" Ariel asks Hailey.

"Yeah I love him with my heart" Hailey says.

"And does he love you?"

"Of course he does, he wouldn't propose in the first place if he didn't" Hailey says, well that's a stab to my heart.

"Hailey you are not rushing into anything, if you two love each other then there is nothing to worry about" Ariel says as she turns to me "Anything to add Melissa?"

"Hailey my advice is to think about the future, is he the guy you want to spend your life with?" I ask her.

"Yeah he is" She says.

"Then I say go for it" I say. Even though this is hard for me to say I love William so much that he deserves the best which happens to be Hailey, i'm happy if William is happy.

"Okay thanks for the advice guys" Hailey says taking a deep breath.

"Now go home before William begins to worry" Ariel says practically kicking her out.

Once Hailey left Ariel turns to me like i've done something wrong.

"So you finally gave her your blessing?" Ariel asks amazed at what I did.

"I guess I did" I said unsure.

"I'm proud of you, you are finally letting go of the him" Ariel says as I give her a fake smile " Good night" she heads back to her room.

I sit back on the couch reflecting on what happened.

Yeah I gave her my blessing but i'm not sure if i'm ready to let go of William.

I love him too much to let him go.

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