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We just ate in silence.

Auston and Ariel were having their little conversation on their own leaving the four of us out of it.

"So Melissa how did you meet Mitch?" Hailey asked me.

"I met him through Ariel" I responded.

I tried my best to keep my answers short and simple.

"Are you and Mitch dating?" She asks as I nearly choke on my food and Mitch nearly spits out his drink.

"Um him...no" I said.

"Her...no way" he says as we both take a sip of our water.

"To bad because you two look cute together" She comments making me want to barf.

"Mitch already has his eye on another girl" I nudge him so he follows along.

"Ouch!" He says to me.

"I mean yeah I have this hot chick" he plays it off.

"Mitch you don't have her yet" I reminded him.

"Shut up" he mumbled.

"See you guys fight like an old couple" Hailey comments.

Mitch and I just look at each other and start dying of laughter.

"We think of it like more of a brother - sister type" Mitch says.

William just glares at Mitch while eating his food in silence.

"Hey Will why are you so quiet?" Hailey asks.

"Nothing" He says not even looking at any of us.

"Oh I need to go to the restroom" I excused myself getting up and heading to the restroom.

I went in just to adjust my makeup, I came out and saw William just leaning against the wall.

"What?" I asked him as he was just staring at me.

"Long time no see" He says putting his hands inside his pockets.

"Yeah how are you doing? How's the family?"

"Myself and the family are doing well" he says.

This moment was very awkward.

"You look great" he comments on my appearance.

"Thanks" I can feel my cheeks burn up a little.

This reminded me of how every time William complimented my cheeks would burn up and I would feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

"Well I should head back before they suspect anything" I say to him.

"Yeah we should catch up sometime" he offered as I smiled slowly.

"Sure I would love that" Now it was William's turn to smile.

I walked back to the table to hear Mitch and Hailey talking about girls.

"How do you know if a girl likes you?" Mitch asks Hailey.

"Well every time she's around you'll notice her starting to blush a little. Every time she would talk to you she would stutter at every word she says. And she would be quiet and shy around you" Hailey said as Mitch smiled.

"Is this about Steph?" I spoke up as I took my seat next to Mitch.

"Maybe" he said.

"Steph is a pretty name" Hailey commented as Mitch went into daydreaming mode.

"Yeah she is a pretty looking girl" He started to drool.

"Oh god" I said to myself.

William comes back from the "restroom" and takes his seat next to Hailey.

"Where is Auston and Ariel?" William asked.

I totally didn't realize they were gone.

"They left and went back to Auston's place" Hailey said as Mitch and I looked at each other.

"Do you mind if I stay at your place tonight? I don't want to walk in on them" Mitch asked as he starts to picture what is happening at his apartment.

"Is it to really stay over or to see Steph?" I teased him a little.

"Both" he mumbled.

"Well we should totally hang out some time" Hailey said.

"Totally" I said as I made eye contact with William.

His blue eyes were so dreamy.

Those are definitely the pair of eyes I fell in love with a couple years ago.

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