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"So how was last night?" I asked the guys as we entered the diner.

"Horrible" Mitch said.

"Why?" Ariel asked while we took our seats at a booth.

"Let's just say that our stripper just so happened to be Steph" Auston says.

"Wait Steph the girl you've been obsessed with happens to be a stripper??" I asked him as he put his head on the table.

"And he's upset that she danced all over me and completely ignored him" Auston explained.

"You let her dance on you?" Ariel asked Auston who immediately know he was in trouble.

"Not to mention he told her to keep going" Mitch added in making Ariel slap Auston on the arm.

"Hey I was enjoying the moment" Auston says.

"I guess you won't be enjoying the moment tonight" Ariel said giving Auston a wink.

"What does that mean mommy?" Isabella asked me.

"Something you are too young to understand" I said as the waitress came and took our orders.

"Hello Auston" We look up to see Steph, the girl Mitch as been all over.

"Hi Steph" Mitch desperately said as Steph ignored him.

Steph took our orders, once she finished Ariel sent Steph a mini wave as she left.

"She's wonderful right?" Mitch said as he continued to daydream.

That boy is hooked on this girl.


"Hailey can we take a break, i'm hungry" I told Hailey as she continued to ignore me.

"Fine but after this one shop" Hailey said as she entered the store.

I waited outside for Hailey as I carried her bags.

I started to smell bacon from the diner next door, I followed the smell.

I stopped in my steps at the window where I saw Melissa, Isabella, Ariel, Auston and Mitch sitting there.

They all were smiling and having a good time.

You know i'm still a young guy, they're the ones having fun while i'm over here worrying about the wedding where i'm  marrying a girl that may not be the one for me.

I look at Melissa and realize the necklace she was wearing, it was the gold locket I gave her when I asked her to be my girlfriend.

That was also the time where I realized I was in love with her.

I totally regret breaking up with her. If only I wasn't selfish and thought about her, I would be inside that diner sitting next to her taking care of Isabella as we enjoy our times as young adults.

Probably i'm making a mistake by rushing into this married life.

I should enjoy my time spending time with my daughter, my best friends and the girl I love.

"OMG" I said to myself as I realized what was happening.

I'm falling for the wrong girl, what the heck is wrong with me.

I'm not in love with Hailey, i'm in love with Melissa.

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