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"Let's have a small party" I said.

"Wow I never expected you to say that" Ariel says.

"I agree" Auston says as the two cuddle on the couch.

"Ugh I don't want to witness this" Mitch says in disgust.

"Well Isabella is at her friends house so I have a free night, are you guys down?"

"Sure we have nothing exciting tonight" Auston says.

"Okay Auston and I will stay here and order the pizza while your and Mitch go to the grocery store and buy some snacks" Ariel directs us.

"I'm driving!" Mitch says grabbing my car keys and heading out the front door.

"Help me" I said to them as they just giggled.

Mitch and I head over to my car.

"Just saying that if anything happens to this car, you're dead" I said putting my seatbelt on.

"No promises" Mitch says putting the car keys in and starting the car up.

We drive to the grocery store which isn't that far of a drive.

One thing Auston didn't mention to me is that Mitch loves to talk like LOVES to talk.

"Mitch can you please stop talking i'm getting a headache" I said to him.

"Why don't you like to hear about my girl problems?" He asks.

"Yeah but maybe later" I said to him.

We pull up at the grocery store.

We get out of the car and head inside.

"Okay what do we need?" Mitch asks as I pull out my phone and look at the text Auston sent to me.

"Beer, Chips, Candy, Pop, Ice cream and a bottle of Advil" I read out.

"Isn't this very unhealthy?" Mitch asks.

"Yeah but I bet they ordered some kind of pizza with some vegetables on it. If they didn't then you guys are screwed tomorrow" I said as Mitch pushed the cart.

We grabbed all the stuff except for the beer.

We went to the beer isle but we noticed someone there.

"Is that William?" I asked Mitch as he nodded.

"And that's his girlfriend" Mitch points out.

His girlfriend is beautiful, compared to me she was an upgrade.

The couple started to laugh until William's eyes landed on Mitch and I.

Mitch was quick to pull me aside.

"Let's go before he starts to realize who you are" Mitch says as we quickly paid for our things and rushed out the door.


"So how many people are going to be here?" I asked Ariel as we both were setting up the snack table.

"Well the team is going to be here as well as the wags" She says as she places the bowl of chips down on the table.

"Does this mean William and his girlfriend are going to be here?" I ask as Ariel had that "I just realized" face.

"I totally forgot about them"

"It's okay i'll just put something on so he doesn't recognize me" I said as I looked at the time.

"I should change before the guests arrive" I told her as I went into my room.

I looked in my closet and saw a lot of clothes that don't scream out PARTY.

I looked around and saw a box with a bow on top.

There was a card laying on top.

I read the card.

Dear Melissa

I know that you don't have any dresses in your closet so I bought you one :)

- Ariel

I opened the box and saw an amazing dress.

I looked at it before putting it on.

I then hear the doorbell ring.

Let's get this party started.

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