Twenty Two

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"Hey Hailey!" Ariel said as Hailey turned around to greet us.

"Hey!! Great you guys could come to the rehearsal dinner" Hailey said giving us each a hug.

"Nice to be here! Now where's the food?" Mitch says earning a slap on the head from Auston.

"It's okay just sit at your table and we will serve you" Hailey says as Mitch runs like a little kid to the table.

"Why am I more mature than him mommy?" Isabella asks.

"Isabelle everyone is more mature than him" Auston says as we all make our way to the table.

"They have crab cakes!!" Mitch says as he stuffs his face.

"This is why no girl likes you" Ariel said.

"And this is why you only have 2 friends" Mitch fires back as Ariel just glared at him.

"Um mommy I need a glass of water" Isabella asks kindly.

I get up and make my way to the drink table.

"Oops sorry" I said as I bumped into someone.

"Melissa?" I look up and recognized William's sister.

"Michelle!" I said as she gave me a big hug.

"Gosh I haven't seen you in a long time!" Michelle says still in disbelief.

"It's been a while" I say.

"Here come see the family again" Michelle says dragging me to their table.

We get to there table and I see everyone.

William's Dad and Mom, his three sisters and Alex.

"Melissa?!?" William's mom says in disbelief before giving me a hug.

"Hey Mrs Nylander" I said giving her a hug "Mr Nylander" I said to him as he gives me a hug.

"Melissa!!" All of his little sisters come towards me giving me a hug.

"Hey Alex" I say to him as he gives me a smile.

"You look beautiful" His mom compliments me.

"Thank you" I say back.

"What are you doing here?" His dad asked me.

"Well i'm actually good friends with Mitch, Auston and Hailey" I said as all of them just nodded their heads.

"AHH MOMMY!!" I turn around I see Mitch giving Isabella a piggyback ride.

"She's very light" Mitch says placing her down in front of me.

Mitch looks and see who I was talking to.

"Hey" Mitch waves to them.

They look at the Isabella then at me then at Mitch.

"Is that??" Michelle points at Mitch and I.

"No ew never!" Mitch and I both say.

"Um this is something that I regret not telling you" I started off.

"She looks a lot like William" Daniella the youngest says.

All of their faces turn from confusion to happiness.

"Wait is she...?" His mom looks at me as I nod.

"Oh my gosh I have a niece" Michelle says as she begins to cry.

Isabella looks confused as I bit my lip.

"I think it's time" Mitch whispers in my ear.

"Huh?" I face him.

"Isabella needs to know the truth about her father" Mitch says.

I would be lying if I say he wasn't right.

"I'm just worried she would hate me for not telling her" I say.

"Melissa she's going to find out eventually, better to tell her now before it's too late" Mitch says giving me a pat on my back.

"Isabella can I talk to you in the corner"  I say to her as I grab her hand and lead the way.

Here goes nothing, the truth comes out.

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