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"I'm so exhausted" Melissa said as she passed out on the couch.

"Melissa we only ran for 20 minutes, how are you tired already?" Ariel asked Melissa.

"20 minutes is too long plus i'm a mom, what do you expect" Melissa said not even facing her.

"Well Mitch and Auston went ahead of us and should be back any min-" Before Ariel could finish her sentence Auston barges into the apartment covered in mud.

"What happened mud boy?" Melissa teased as he just glared at her.

"Mitch and I were running around the track, Mitch saw that girl Steph and he pushed me into the pile of mud. Can you believe it, he ditched me to be with this girl" Auston said.

"Baby go take a shower, you smell" Ariel said.

"I just can't believe that he would choose her over me" Auston continued until he went into the washroom.

"Poor baby" Ariel said taking a seat next to Melissa.

"I honestly hate life" Melissa says as Ariel agrees with her.

At this point Melissa stood up to adjust her shirt before sitting back down. Without her knowing she accidentally sat on her phone and butt dialled Hailey.

"Hello" Hailey picked up her phone, she was about to hang up once she didn't get a response but decided against that once she heard Ariel say something.

"So the bachelorette party for Hailey is happening next week" Ariel brought up.

"Don't get me started on that, I just don't want to go" Melissa said.

"Why??" Ariel asked as Melissa gave her an obvious look.

"Well first of all it would be awkward for me considering that i'm going there knowing that she's going to be marrying the father of my child, she doesn't even know about it" Melissa explained as Hailey was shocked to hear that William was Isabella's father.

She didn't know that William and Melissa had a fling.

She then got it why every time Williams an Isabella were near each other it got awkward for the both of them.

She wondered if Isabella knew about this.

"Yeah well you are going because i'm not going there alone" Ariel said "You are over William, right?"

"Yeah absolutely" Melissa said "William is now Hailey's and Hailey is now William's, they belong together"

"Okay good now don't be awkward" Ariel said.

Hailey hung up the phone and looked at the front door.

William had just come home from practice.

"Hey babe!" Will said as Hailey didn't say anything.

"Babe?" Will said again.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Hailey said leaving William confused.

"Tell you what?" William asked back.

"Why didn't you tell me that Isabella is your kid?" Hailey asked as William just stood there not knowing what to say.

"Um well I can explain" William said "You better sit down, it's a long story"

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