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"Willy!" Mitch says as they all greet the couple.

"Hi Isabella!" Hailey says giving Isabella a hug making her giggle.

"Dude she even laughs like William" Alex whispers in my ear.

"Yeah i've noticed that" I whisper back.

"Alex what are you doing here?" William asks surprised to see his brother here.

"Um I was invited" Alex says as I face palm myself.

"You know him?" William asks me.

"Well you see..." I started.

"He well he was..." Mitch backed me up.

"He bumped into him and he needed somewhere to crash so Ariel invited him over" Auston explained as William bought it.

"I don't know about you guys but I'm hungry" Isabella says.

"Well you heard the kid, let's eat!" Mitch says as everyone takes their seats.

"MELISSA!!" Auston yells like my mother used to.

"What is she even doing?" Hailey asks.

Everyone begins to dig in.

I look at Mitch who was enjoying his food.

He looked ahead and dropped his spoon as he acted surprised.

I turn around to see Melissa in her full bad girl gear.

I was truly surprised by her transformation.

Auston was the next one to see Melissa and he quickly chokes on his food.

William and Hailey look at Auston weirdly still oblivious to what is behind them.

Alex pats Auston on the back.

"I'll get some water" Alex gets up and quickly notices Melissa.

"Or maybe I won't" Alex says sitting back down staring a Melissa.

William notices that the three boys and I are staring at something.

He turns around and sees Melissa.

He does a double take as he doesn't believe that it was Melissa.

"Holy sh-" Mitch spoke up before I covered his mouth.

"Mommy?" Isabella asked.

Melissa walked over and spit out her gum before placing it in Mitch's hand.

She takes a seat next to Alex who just stares at her.

"What?" Melissa asks Alex.

"Nothing" Alex says as he tries not to look at her.

"Pass the mashed potatoes" Melissa asked William.

William passed her the mashed potatoes.

William was confused on why she was dressed like that.

Melissa looked up and noticed everyone was staring at her.

"What?? Can we all go back to eating in peace?" Melissa spoke up as everyone shook it off and continued to eat.

I sent Melissa a wink as she gave me the thumbs up.

Bad girl Melissa has finally arrived.

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