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                        5 years later

"Mommy when is daddy coming home?" William and Melissa's 3 year old son Jonah asked.

"He's coming home soon" Melissa replied as she was too busy reading her book.

"Mom where's dad?!? I need to talk to him about my allowance!" Isabella yelled as she entered the room.

"Please don't yell Isabella" Melissa calmly said.

"Hey when he comes i'm talking to him first!" Jonah crossed his arms.

"Hey i'm older! I'm going to talk to him first!" Isabella looked down at him.

Jonah quickly pinched Isabella who didn't take it well.

The two started to argue causing Melissa to have a headache.

Melissa didn't even bother stopping the two considering that those two never listen to her.

When Will is on a road trip with the Leafs, Melissa has a hard time taking care of the two.

That's why she always calls Ariel to come over and help. Ariel brings along her son Noah to play with Jonah. And if anyone is asking Noah is not Auston's son.

Ariel and Auston had some relationship problems shortly after Will and Melissa got together causing the two to break up but remained friends.

A plot twist is that Ariel started to develop feelings for Mitch who was heart broken after Steph moved away.

Mitch and Ariel got together with the approval of Auston. The two got married and had a son. And yes that son is Noah.

"I'm home!" Will yelled as he shut the door.

He entered the living room to see the kids giving their mother a hard time.

"Jonah and Isabella!" Will yelled getting their attention.

"Dad I need to talk to you" Isabella went up to him.

"No dad read me a bedtime story!" Jonah demanded.

"You two go to your rooms!" Will stopped the two.

"But da-"

"I said now!" Will raised his voice as the two scrambled to their rooms.

"Sorry  i'm late babe" Will kissed Melissa taking a seat next to her.

"These kids are giving me a headache right now" Melissa leaned her head on Will's shoulder.

"Well we should tell them the news" Will said to his wife.

"I know but I rather wait until it's the right time to tell them" Melissa replied.

"Yeah I can't wait till the little guy comes out" Will begins to rub Melissa's baby bump.

"I love you" Melissa said giving her husband a kiss.

"I love you too babe" William kissed back.

"DAD!" The two stopped kissing after their kids yelled from upstairs.

Melissa was about to stand up but William stopped her.

"Rest" Will got up and went upstairs to deal with whatever the kids are fighting about.

Melissa smiled to herself, how did she ever get lucky to end up with a great guy.


And this story is officially done!! Thank you for taking the time to read this story. I currently have another story called Mine which you guys should check out if you haven't yet.

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