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"Is it wrong to still be in love with him?" I ask Ariel.

"Yes are you crazy!?!" Ariel says.

"Come on Melissa it's his wedding day please don't be the one to ruin it"

"But I finally made up my mind, William is the one that I love" I say to her as Ariel isn't buying it.

"No time for jokes now let's go before we are late" Ariel says.

I still have hope for us.

We arrive at the wedding ceremony.

It was crowded with both Hailey and William's families here.

I spot Alex and gave him a small wave.

He looked at me in disgust instead.

In fact everyone gave me a disgusted face including Ariel.

Ariel said it was a bad idea coming here because of William and I's history.

Maybe she was right about me coming here, I still love him and seeing him marry another girl just hurts.

The ceremony starts.

William walks down with he biggest smile on his face.

Moments later everyone stands up and Hailey walks down wearing a beautiful white dress.

I look back at William to see him not smiling anymore.

Instead he had a worried look on his face, like he's doing something wrong.

"Hailey would you take William to be your husband?" The pastor asked.

"I do!" Hailey says.

"William would you take Hailey to be your wife?" The pasted asked William who took forever to answer the question.

"I-I don't" he says making everyone shocked.

"What?" Hailey was confused as was everyone else's including me.

"I'm sorry but i'm in love with someone else" he says as he looks at everyone before running down the isle.

Hailey starts crying before looking at my direction.

"She looks mad" Ariel whispers in my ear as Hailey starts making her way at us.

"You bitch!" She says.

"Huh?" I said.

"You're the one that stole William's heart!"

"No i didn't! I haven't talked to him in years to be exact" I said.

"He always talks about you every time I'm with him and he doesn't even realize it!!" She spat in my face.

"Well how is this my fault!" I fought back.

"BITCH!!" She yells before slapping me in the face.


I open my eyes to see Ariel and Auston looking at me.

"Are you okay?" Ariel asked as I just sat up.

"Yeah" I said while processing the dream in my mind.

"Are you sure?? You were yelling and screaming" Auston asked.

"Yeah i'm okay" I said rubbing the sweat off my face.

"Okay but just remember you can tell us" Ariel assures me.

"Where's Mitch?" I ask the couple.

"He's spying on Steph" Why am I not surprised.

"Well you want to go out and get a crepe?" Ariel offers.

"Hell yeah!" I said getting out of bed.

"I already dressed up Isabella" Ariel Says before exiting my room.

I put on an outfit and meet the others in the hallway.

"YESS!" Mitch yells.

"What?" Auston asks him as Mitch holds up a piece of paper.

"Your boy just got a phone number!" Mitch did a weird dance on the spot ending it with a dab.

"Mitch just....no" I said grabbing Isabella's hand and walking out.


"I want one with Nutella" Isabella says as we enter the crepe shop.

"Yeah me too" Mitch tells me.

"Mitch i'm not paying for you" I told him as he just frowns.

"Take care of him" I tell Auston and Ariel while pointing at Mitch.

"What's going on here?" Ariel points to the crowd as they just applause.

The crowd breaks apart as we notice two people walking towards us.

"Hey guys!" Hailey says as her and William come up to us.

"What was going on there?" Ariel asked them.

"Guess what?" Hailey says before showing her hand to us.

"We're engaged!!"

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