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We arrive to the ACC, we came a little early to watch the warm ups.

We watched the boys go out on the ice and do a couple of laps.

I was wearing a pair of sunglasses and a hat.

We paid attention mostly to Mitch and Auston but something caught my eye.

This player with the number 29 came up and waved at Isabella then gave her a puck.

She said thank you as he smiled and skated away.

I recognized that face and smile.

That was William.

"Ariel did you see that?" I asked her as she just looked at me like she was just daydreaming.

"Huh" she said.

"William came up and gave Isabella a puck" I explained to her.

"Did he recognize you?" She asked me.

"No i'm wearing my glasses and hat" I shook my head and looked back on the ice.

It was indeed William as number 29 had NYLANDER written out on top of it.

"I'm hoping he didn't notice me" I said as I sat down.

"Mommy can't you believe that guy game me a puck?!" Isabella said excitedly.

"Yeah that guy is a nice man" I said to her.

Little did she know that the guy that gave her that puck was her father.


Toronto ended up winning 5-3, apparently Auston texted Ariel asking if could meet them in the locker room.

"Melissa there is nothing to worry about, if you do see him then just tell me and we could go" Ariel reassures me.

"Yeah but what if it's too late and he calls my name on the spot, what do I say?" I said nervously.

I swear i'm going to have a panic attack if he does recognize me.

"Melissa let's go" Ariel drags me as I hold Isabella's hand.

We make our way to the locker room.

Half the team were doing some interviews with the press.

We saw Mitch and gave him a wave as he returned one to us.

Auston didn't notice us until he was done his interview.

Let's just say that Ariel and Auston had a make out session right in front of my face.

I noticed a group of people crowding around the corner.

"What happening over there?" I asked Auston who was too busy looking into Ariel's eyes.

"Oh um William is doing some interviews over there" he quickly says as I just look at Ariel.

She knew what I was going to say.

"Hey I should introduce you to him" Auston suggests.

"NO!!!" Ariel says out loud.

Causing everyone to look at her.

"No way in hell they are going to lose the playoffs" Ariel says trying to cover up what she just said.

"Mommy can we go now i'm tired" Isabella said.

"Okay hunny if that's what you want" I said.

"Ariel i'll wait for you in the car" I said to her as Isabella and I walked back to the car.


"What was that about?" Auston whispered in my ear.

"Long story" I said.

"Hey Will come over here!" Mitch yelled out as William walked over to us.

"Will I want to Introduce you to my new girlfriend Ariel" Auston said.

"Hi" I shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you Ariel" he had the biggest smile on his face.

"Her friend Melissa was here earlier but she left early" Mitch said as William looked like he just heard something familiar.

"Melissa?" He said to himself.

"Melissa what?" I asked him.

I was curious to know if he still remembers Melissa.

"Sorry it's just the name of this girl I dated, totally forgot about her" He joked.

It may seem funny to him but it wasn't to me, that was my best friend he was talking about.


I turned my head to see this blonde haired girl coming up to William and hugging him.

"Hey babe" William said hugged her back before kissing her.

"Eww" Mitch said as Auston just had his hand over my eyes.

"Oh um Ariel I want you to meet Hailey, my girlfriend" William introduces me.

"Hi nice to meet you" She says happily as I just study her features.

She has beautiful blue eyes, she has freckles and an amazing body.

I just smile as I shake her hand.

"Well we should get going" Auston says taking my hand.

"See you tomorrow" Will says.

"Bye" I say as I stare at Hailey.

Gosh how am I going to tell Melissa about this?

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