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"Hangover?" I ask Ariel as she enters the living room rubbing her head.

"Yeah" She says as she takes a seat next to me.

I hand her a bottle of painkillers and a glass of water.

"How's Auston doing?" I ask her.

"Well he's sleeping on the floor while snuggling my garbage can" She says after taking the painkillers.

"How is Mitch holding up?"

"Well he's in the kitchen sleeping on the counter" I said to her.

"Ugh we have to clean this place up" Ariel says holding up an empty beer bottle.

"Well I have to pick Isabella up so I won't be here to help" I told her as I looked at my phone.

"Actually it's time to pick her up" I said getting up and grabbing my car keys.

"Wait you're leaving me here with those two?" She asked as I nodded my head.

"Please don't leave me alone to take care of them" Ariel begged.

"Sorry" I said to her as I opened the front door and walked out.

I got in my car and drove to Isabella's friends place to pick her up.

I arrived at the place and knocked on the front door.

The front door opened to reveal Sally who was the mom of Jamie who is Isabella's friend.

"Hey Sally" I hugged her.

"Hey Melissa come on in" Sally says.

"Jamie and Isabella are playing dress up in the basement"

"Sis who's that?" I hear coming from their kitchen.

"Oh Melissa I want you to meet my sister Hailey"

That name is too familiar, i'm hoping it isn't the Hailey i'm thinking about.

"Hailey this is Isabella's mother Melissa"

I see a blonde haired girl walk in.

Shit this is the girl that's dating William.

"Hey i'm Hailey" she shakes my hand.

I just smile along.

"Let's have some coffee and talk" Sally says as she leads Hailey and I into the dining room.

We sit down as Sally hands me a cup of coffee.

"So Melissa where are you from?" Hailey asks me.

"I'm from Calgary" I answered.

"Cool my boyfriend is from that area" Hailey says.

"Oh what's his name?" I ask her.

"William Nylander and before you ask he is THE William Nylander that plays for the Toronto Maple Leafs" She says in a bragging way.

"Have you met my best friend Ariel?? She's currently dating Auston Matthews" I ask her as her face lit up.

"Oh you're the Melissa they were talking about"

"So i'm guessing you've met her" Hailey just nods her head.

"Wait so have you met Auston Matthews?"

"Yup and Mitch Marner" I mentioned taking a sip of my coffee.

"Okay don't tell your friend Ariel but there was this party last night and there was this blonde haired girl with Auston and Mitch" she says as I nearly spit out my drink.

She was talking about me.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Oh yeah it's just....hot" I recovered myself.

"Hey we should totally hang out in the future" Hailey says as she gets her phone out.

"Here put your number in"

I put my number in her phone, I also grabbed my phone so she can put hers in my phone.

"Well I should get going, i'm suppose to help Ariel clean up our apartment" I said as I got up.

I went down to the basement to see Isabella and Jamie putting away their dresses.

Isabella looks up and sees me.

"MOMMY!!" She says as she runs into my arms.

"Hey baby how are you?" I spin her around.

"I'm fine mommy" she has the biggest smile on her face.

"Okay it's time to go" I told her while putting her down.

We said our goodbyes to Hailey, Jamie and Sally.

We head inside of the car and drive back to the apartment.

Once we enter the front door all we can hear are people talking.

"Mitch you are suppose to wear something underneath the apron" I hear Ariel say.

"Yeah not your birthday suit" I hear Auston say.

"Well be honest here i'm rocking this look"

Isabella and I enter the room where the talking was coming from.

I quickly covered Isabella's eyes.

"Wow Mitch nice butt" I comment making him turn around in embarrassment.

Everyone in the room starts to die of laughter.

"How am I suppose to know you wear something underneath, it's not my fault it doesn't come with instructions" Mitch says as we all continue to laugh.

Why am I friends with these weirdos?

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