Twenty Four

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"Melissa can I talk to you?" Hailey asked me as I just nodded and followed her down the hall.

As soon as we were alone Hailey all of a sudden slapped me.

"I see what you're trying to do?!" She spat at me as i'm still shocked with what she just did to me "You reunited Will and Isabella hoping that William will come back to you!! You're trying to ruin my wedding day and I cannot let this happen!!" Hailey continued.

"I'm not trying to do anything!!" I yelled back "Isabella deserves to know who her father is!"

"Well why at my rehearsal dinner?? A day before my wedding??!"

"Because i'm tired of lying to her!! I see her face everyday, she looks at lot of William. She asks me why everyone at school has a father and she doesn't!! She is the most precious girl you could ever ask for and she doesn't deserve this!" I cried out.

"I don't believe you!! William is mine, you should've had an abortion" Hailey mumbled as I clenched my fists.

"Don't you dare talk about my daughter like that!!" I was so close to her face at this point.

"You're done here, you are not coming to my wedding!!" Hailey said as I just fake smiled.

"Gladly!" I said as I flipped my hair in her face and made my way back to the dining hall.


Melissa walks back in with a red mark on her face.

"Melissa?? What happened?" Melissa asked her.

"Nothing" Melissa said as she looked down at Isabella.

"Do you want to stay here with auntie Ariel or go home with mommy?"

"I'll stay here with auntie Ariel and daddy" Isabella said giving me a hug around my legs.

"Well i'm going home" she said as I grabbed her wrist.

"Why the wedding is tomorrow and it's a 4 hour drive back to the city?" I ask her.

"Apparently i'm a husband stealer and therefore have been uninvited to this wedding" Melissa said as she freed her wrist from my hand.

"I'll see you guys later" Melissa says walking out of the building.

Hailey walks back in smiling like nothing ever happened.

"Hey babe" Hailey came up to me as I pushed her away.

"What??" Hailey asked.

"You uninvited Melissa" Ariel spoke up.

"I had to, she was ruining my wedding" Hailey said.

"But she didn't do anything" Mitch stepped in.

"She was stealing William away from me" Hailey said as I just look at her disgusted, this is the first time i've seen her be this selfish.

"You're so selfish" Isabella spoke up as Hailey looked at her.

Hailey started to come closer to Isabella.

I quickly picked up Isabella and protected her from Hailey.

Auston and Mitch both pulled back Hailey.

"What is wrong with you??" I asked her, I think I just discovered the real side of Hailey.

"She made this happen!! This little brat!"

"Hey don't you dare ever say anything about my daughter!" I said to Hailey as I handed Isabella over to Ariel "I need to go back to the hotel and think about some things" and with that I walked out of the building.

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