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"Good night mommy" Isabella says as I tuck her in.

"Good night baby" I said giving her a kiss on her forehead as I turn off the lights and leave her room.

I grab a wine bottle from the cupboard and pour myself a glass.

I take a seat on the couch and just relaxed.

Today has been a long day.

I then hear the sound of the front door open.


I turn around to see Ariel, Auston and Mitch.

"Shh!" I said to them as I pointed to Isabella's room.

"Sorry" Mitch mouths as they come over and take a seat.

"Why did you leave early?" Auston asks.

"Just for some reasons" I said taking a sip of my wine.

"Is it time we tell them?" Arial asks while bringing three glasses and pouring wine into them.

"Tell us what?" Mitch asked as Ariel passed him and Auston a glass.

"Well Melissa and William go way back" Ariel says.

"William as in William Nylander?" Auston asks as I nod my head.

"Yeah we kinda dated in our teenage years and it kinda ended badly" I said.

"How badly?"

"He broke up with me at one of his games" I said.

"So this is why you left early?" Auston said.

"Well not exactly.." I said trying to give them a hint by looking at Isabella's room.

It looks like Auston got it as he spit his drink and looked at me with his eyes wide open.

"Don't tell me" he says as I nod my head.

"And he doesn't know?" I nod my head again.

"Wait i'm lost" Mitch says.

"Dude Isabella is William's child" Auston says.

Now it's Mitch's turn to spit out his drink.

But instead of spitting it ahead he spit it all over Auston.

"Sorry" Mitch says nervously.

"Asshole" Auston mumbled as Ariel hands him a paper towel to clean up the mess.

"Why didn't you tell him?" Mitch asked.

"Wow you guys like to ask a lot of questions" I pointed out.

"Well sorry this child thing is interesting" Auston says.

"Well the day I found out was the day he broke up with me. I was going to tell him after his game but it was too late. I was too emotional to tell him. I feel bad because Isabella is dying to know who her father is"

"Well I can see the resemblance between Isabella and William" Auston says as Mitch agrees with him.

"Yeah like they have the same blue eyes, the same beautiful blonde hair and she has that Nylander smile" Mitch says.

"Now i'm scared that if I tell him he is just going to freak out and tell me how i'm a horrible person for not telling him. I feel like she's going to be pissed and i've seen William mad before and it's scary" I said.

"You guys better not say anything" Ariel says to them.

"Promise" they both say.

"And is you do tell him then you two will get the biggest beating ever" Ariel threatens them.

"So do you still you know like him?" Mitch asked.

"Well I don't know" I said.

"Well he sure moved on" Auston mumbled.

"Huh?" I was confused on his comment.

"Well I uh do- Mitch why don't you explain" Auston lightly hit Mitch in the stomach .

"Oh I y- Ariel you are better at explaining why don't you say it" Mitch looks at Ariel.

"Assholes" she says to them before looking at me.

"Melissa I don't know how to say this but William has a girlfriend".

Dang that just broke my heart.

"Girlfriend?" I said acting like I was totally fine.

"Sorry" Ariel said.

"This is not your fault so don't apologize" I said.

"I'm fine"

"Are you sure?" I looked at Mitch and faked smiled.

"Yeah i'm sure"

I guess this means that I need to move on as well.

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