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Ugh I hate what I was wearing for the past couple of weeks.

Ariel forced me to wear these clothes which I didn't like.

I missed wearing my normal comfortable clothes not these tight uncomfortable ones.

And don't get me started on the makeup, it was hideous.

This idea of a bad girl isn't me at all, I just want to be my normal self again.

I woke this morning and threw all the clothes down the garbage chute.

It felt great doing that.

I got the makeup and threw them out as well. It's not like I would be using that black lipstick again.

I dropped Isabella at school and now i'm here at a restaurant waiting for Ariel and Hailey to come.

Hailey texted Ariel and I to meet her here for something urgent.

I see Hailey walk in first, I wave at her to come over.

"Hey Melissa where's Ariel??" Hailey immediately asked as she sat down at the table.

"I don't know" I said as I see a frantic Ariel run inside.

She looks at our direction and starts making her way over.

By looking at her I knew that she wasn't in a good mood.

"Hi sorry i'm late, i'll explain later" Ariel said taking a seat next to me.

"So Hailey why did you tell us to come here?" I asked her.

"Well Will and I actually made our minds up on a date and I needed to know if you were free on that day" Hailey said pulling out a calendar.

"So I was thinking somewhere in June?? Are you guys free?" Hailey asked us.

"Yeah we're both free" I spoke for the both of us.

"And I was wondering if you two would like to be my bridesmaids?" Hailey asked.

"Yeah of course we will" Ariel spoke up this time.

"Great!!" Hailey said before standing up "Be right back, I have to use the restroom"

"How do you feel about this wedding?" Ariel asked me.

"I feel fine, why is everyone asking me?" I rolled my eyes.

"Because you have Will's kid and we all know you two love each other" Ariel said.

"Loved" I corrected her.

"Okay whatever you say" Ariel said which annoyed me.

I'm going to say this for the last time.

I don't have any feelings for William.

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