Chapter Three

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chapter three

"So, what happened?" Noora asked, as soon as she started boiling the water.

"I saw Chris talking to Emma, at the EID party yesterday, and then Jonas came up to me and we were talking ... and then we were kissing. I was drunk, I barely remember it – all I know is that this morning I woke up in his bed."


Eva nodded, putting her head in her hands. "I've ruined everything now, haven't I?"

"No, no you haven't! Chris was making out with Emma as well, and you guys were never exactly exclusive ... your words."

"Yeah but –"

"Do you like him?"

"Well of course I like him, Noora! Have you seen him? He's hot as fuck."

Noora laughed, shaking her head. "No! I mean do you really like him?"

"I ... yes."

"Well then why did you say no to him when he asked you to be his girlfriend?"

"He never asked me to be his girlfriend. That was in a dream. I just said we could never be together. Which we can't, he's a cheater. He cheats. It's what he does – and I know that. What we have is just fun and games."

"Fun and games till someone falls in love ... or in your case, till you both fall in love."

"I'm not in love with him! But I could definitely see myself falling in love with him. It's different than it was with Jonas, you know? When I was with him, I felt like I had to be this certain person. Like I had to be Jonas' girlfriend, not Eva. I didn't even know who Eva was. I lost myself, and with Chris .... I don't know, I can be myself I guess. He likes me for me."

"That's the tea!" Noora exclaimed, suddenly, as the tea kettle went off. "But, I really do think that you should give Chris a try. I mean, yes, he does come off as a cheating fuckboy ... but William was the same way, and look how that turned out. We're doing great; he's the love of my life. And for the record, I can definitely see a change in Chris since you guys started hooking up. I really do believe that he likes you Eva."

"Yeah but ... I don't know if I can trust him."

"You have to take a leap of faith. Life's all about risks, I would know."

"When did you become a guru? That's Esklid's job."

"Oh, shut up! Hey, what about Adam? If you and Chris don't work out, you can just go to him!"

"Shut up! I think he's gay."


"I don't know ... him and Mikael seem like they're more than just friends." Eva shrugged, sipping her tea.

"Huh. I could see it." They both continued sipping their tea.



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